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Mark My Words: Joe Biden Will Not be the Democrat Nominee for President
Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign ended with more of a whimper than a bang. Long on eloquence, but short on the old Bernie burn. His parting statement was along the lines that he couldn’t possibly continue a losing campaign while the country struggled under the wretched leadership of Orange Man Bad.
Democrats aren’t usually kind to losers, unless the losers agree with their politics. Then they call them brave, high-minded dreamers or patriotic speakers of truth to power. Nevertheless, the guy that beat Bernie Sanders like a rented mule—Joe Biden—was very nice. Joe’s graciousness was surpassed only by his weak outreach to Bernie’s disgruntled cult followers.
Please join us, Joe pleaded. We need to unite if we’re going to defeat Donald Trump.
The silence, especially from Barack Obama and other paragons of the Democrat establishment was deafening. Even loser Bernie couldn’t bring himself to give a full and unqualified endorsement to Biden, whose delegate count for the upcoming convention seems insurmountable.
Then there was this intriguing observation from President Trump, which raised a few eyebrows in the conspiracy theory community: “… it does amaze me that President Obama hasn’t supported Sleepy Joe. It just hasn’t happened. When is it going to happen? When is it going to happen? Why isn’t he? He knows something that you don’t know, that I think I know, but you don’t know. So it’ll be interesting.”
One can only wonder. Does Biden have more extensive ties to white supremacists/KKK than previously thought? He was a close buddy with West Virginia Senator Harry “Sheets” Byrd, KKK leader and the only politician ever who could use the “N-word” without inciting race riots or outrage by fellow former-racist Democrats. Could there be incriminating photos in FBI possession that could torpedo Joe’s touchy-feely reputation with the African American race panderers?
What else is interesting is how the Chinese bat-soup pandemic has placed the political process in quarantine. What has to have Democrats reeling are the prospects of:
-an incumbent President showing the leadership Americans expect from a commander in chief
-the rapid recovery of a nation newly united in the face of common threat
-an unprecedented rebound of the Stock Market and an economy coming back just in time for the next election
Meanwhile, as buyer’s remorse sets in, the Democrats’ answer to those daunting challenges is the equivalent of a ’72 Ford Pinto in a race against 2020 Chevy Corvette. Joe Biden’s matchup against President Trump likely has Republican strategists licking their chops over the vast array of Biden’s vulnerabilities.
In fact, those vulnerabilities will most likely be buttons President Trump can push over and over. Biden has shown that he is especially thin skinned when it comes to criticism from just about any source, especially if it involves his troubled son Hunter. President Trump won’t even need debate preps to lure Joe into a threat of physical violence. It will be hilarious.
So, while the process is on hold and Joe sits on his lead and shaky laurels, the old Yogi Berra adage that “It’s not over until it’s over” could be in play here. Democrats don’t have to look very far for someone who is younger, more articulate, and has shown better leadership in the current crisis.
That, of course, would be Andrew Cuomo.
Cuomo, like Biden, has what Democrats value most: the ability to conceal their belief that big government is the answer to all social and economic problems. They hide their plans and beliefs behind a fake populism, which at its source is lust for power.
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