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Judge in Gen. Michael Flynn Case Lawyers Up
Cult leaders could learn a thing or two from the people keeping the Russian collusion hoax propped up after all this time. No amount of factual evidence, science, reason, logic or common sense can shake the belief in Russian collusion for some people. Everyone from Robert Mueller to Mitch McConnell must be in on the conspiracy – and that’s why they haven’t uncovered the proof yet!
And no one seems to believe more fervently in Russian collusion than Judge Emmett Sullivan – the judge overseeing the Gen. Mike Flynn case.
The Flynn case has now practically morphed into a long-running daytime soap opera, with too many twists and turns to keep track of over the years. But we do know several things with certainty now and we have documentary, factual evidence to prove them.
Flynn was railroaded by the FBI and prosecutors at the Department of Justice. There was never any evidence of “Russian collusion” and FBI field agents who examined Flynn’s phone records determined that he had never committed a crime. Fired FBI agent Peter Strzok and his mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, kept the Flynn investigation open. We have a memo with a handwritten note on this decision, asking, “Do we get him to lie so we can have him fired/prosecuted?”
James Comey sent FBI agents to trick Flynn into making a misstatement in an interview that was supposed to be off the books, never reading Flynn his rights at the time. It’s even questionable whether Flynn made a misstatement during this interview, since Strzok and Page went back and edited the 302 form – the only piece of evidence that the FBI had that Flynn had “lied.” And then – the FBI “lost” the edited 302.
Not to worry. Mueller’s witch hunter/prosecutors bullied Flynn into taking a deal: Plead guilty to lying to the FBI, or we will destroy your son’s life. Flynn took the deal by pleading guilty to a process crime that he may not even have committed. I can’t judge him for that. I probably would have taken the deal, too.
After all of this information has come out, the Department of Justice under Attorney General Bill Barr submitted a motion to drop the case against Flynn. For all intents and purposes, it is over. And yet it’s not over.
The defense wants the case dropped. The prosecution wants the case dropped. But Judge Emmett Sullivan cannot bear to have his Russian collusion bubble popped. Rather than doing what both parties to the case want (dropping the case), Sullivan has appointed retired federal judge John Gleeson to act as an extra prosecutor in the case.
Sullivan asked Gleeson to come and argue before the court about why Gen. Mike Flynn really deserves to go to prison – even after the Justice Department has admitted that the Flynn case is a massive miscarriage of justice.
We’ve looked and we have been unable to find a single account of a judge ever doing something like this previously in US case history. No attorney on any of the talking head shows has been able to find any precedent for it. Judge Emmett Sullivan has basically decided that instead of being an impartial jurist, he is an interested third party in this case who must see Flynn brought to justice.
But wait – it gets even weirder!
Gen. Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell has filed a federal appeal to have Sullivan dismissed from the case with prejudice. The federal appeals court has given Judge Sullivan until June 1 to file a written answer as to why he thinks Flynn should now be prosecuted by a former judge and Judge Sullivan, after the DOJ asked for the case to be dismissed.
There’s nothing unusual about this. Appeals courts ask lower court judges to come and judge-splain their reasoning all the time. Lower court judges do this all the time. But Sullivan isn’t even doing that in the same manner that all previous lower court judges have done it.
Sullivan has “lawyered up.”
Rather than explain himself to the appeals court, Sullivan has hired an attorney to represent him. No lower court judge has ever done that before, either. Trump Derangement Syndrome is showing us a lot of legal “firsts” in the Flynn case. Every day brings a new revelation that has people thinking, “Wow. Never seen that before!” The liberals are not going to let go of the Russian collusion delusion. They can’t quit their fixation. It would be an earth-shattering revelation for them to have to admit that the entire thing was a hoax – and Donald J. Trump really is their duly elected president.

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