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IG Report Confirms John McCain Was Part of the Seditious Coup
Any doubts as to whether the late Sen. John McCain (RINO-AZ) had any part in the seditious Russian collusion coup attempt against Donald Trump have now been laid to rest. The Inspector General Report which was released on December 9th reveals that McCain was up to his eyeballs in the attempts to illegally remove a sitting president from office. Not that the mainstream media will tell you any of this.
I had even joked at one point that McCain was out of breath because he had rushed the totally fake “Steele dossier” to then-FBI Director James Comey’s office so quickly. This was partially inaccurate. McCain didn’t deliver the Steele dossier to Comey in one fell swoop.
Instead, he delivered 16 separate reports from Steele to Comey, in chunks, which ultimately made up the one dossier used in the attempt to smear and frame Donald Trump for a crime he didn’t commit.
McCain, of course, represented everything that the American voters have hated about the Republican Party for decades. It’s a wonder McCain didn’t just go whole-hog and switch parties, a la Arlen Spector, since his personal politics didn’t resemble anything vaguely conservative.
What “conservative” would ever refer to Christians as “Bible-thumping retards” who are holding the GOP back? Oh, right. The John McCain kind.
McCain’s personal animosity got the better of him in the end. His personal hatred of American conservative voters led him to become an active participant in the Russian collusion coup attempt.
To recap this unlawful attempt to remove a sitting president:
Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid Fusion GPS to dig up “Russian dirt” on Donald Trump. They paid Fusion GPS via a cutout law firm, Perkins Coie, in hopes that the foreign dirt would not be traced back to them.
Christopher Steele was the Fusion GPS employee who compiled the dossier in a series of reports, which he received as second- and third-hand information from Ukrainians who hate the Russians.
One of Steele’s sources later admitted that the most salacious tidbits of information that he had shared with Steele – that of Trump and prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room – was a joke that the source had heard in a bar.
In addition to collecting his paychecks from Fusion GPS, Steele also went on the FBI payroll for delivering his juicy, totally fake reports to them. But Steele was fired in September of 2016 by the FBI, when it was discovered that he was also leaking the reports to anti-Trump journalists. The coup plotters needed a new way to ferry the information to the Seventh Floor at the Hoover Building.
Bruce Ohr at the Justice Department, whose wife Nellie works for Fusion GPS, became one of those conduits. To hedge his bets and because he was so “desperate” to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president, Christopher Steele’s boss Glenn Simpson (of Fusion GPS) also dropped his reports off to an employee at the John McCain Institute.
According to the IG Report:
“On December 9, 2016, Senator John McCain provided Comey with a collection of 16 Steele election reports, 5 of which Steele had not given the FBI. McCain had obtained these reports from a staff member at the McCain Institute. The McCain Institute staff member had met with Steele and later acquired the reports from Simpson.”
Breitbart News has identified the McCain Institute staffer as David J. Kramer, the same individual on McCain’s staff who delivered the Steele dossier to Buzzfeed.
The imminent Buzzfeed publication of the dossier, despite none of its claims being accurate, truthful, or able to verified independently, was the impetus for Comey to then set up President Trump by briefing him on the contents of the dossier – a meeting that was then leaked to CNN to legitimize Buzzfeed’s publication.
And thus, the circle of collusion was complete.
Never-Trump columnists who purport to be conservatives claim that Barack Obama would never have been president, if only conservatives hadn’t stayed home for the 2008 election. Knowing what a treasonous bag of failure John McCain was, I’m proud to say that 2008 was one of only two national elections where I skipped out on voting. (Romney 2012 was the other one.)
John McCain was, and always will be, remembered as a traitor to his country for his role in the Russian collusion coup attempt. Good riddance.

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