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Hypocritical Dems Tried to Strip Citizenship from Trump Advisor & Deport Him
A crowd of Trump supporters began chanting, “Send her back” at a campaign rally when the president criticized Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and her Squad of communists in the House of Representatives.
The reaction from the media and the political left was entirely predictable: This was a “racist,” “Fascist,” “xenophobic” act by a pack of rabid white supremacists.
How dare Americans suggest that one of the most hated figures in Congress – a venomous woman who has praised Al Qaeda and Somali warlords who shot at American troops – should be sent back to her home country! This is, of course, all hypocritical projection.
Just a few months ago, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Rep. Gerald Nadler (D-NY) demanded Trump advisor Sebastian Gorka’s immigration papers from the Department of Homeland Security. They were looking for a way to literally deport a White House advisor. But all of a sudden, it is racist for American citizens to call for a congresswoman who is less popular than flesh-eating bacteria to be treated the same way.
Trump voters are “racists” for wanting to do the same thing to a Democrat that the Democrats are already doing to a Republican. Got it.
After the Trump rally chanted, “Send her back” about Ilhan Omar, Congressman Nadler tweeted that it was “racist and xenophobic propaganda,” and that “there is no place for such racism in our public discourse.”
That’s his opinion of American voters exercising their First Amendment right at a political rally. You guys should all just shut up.
But in his March 17, 2017 letter to the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice, Nadler insisted that federal agencies “immediately investigate whether senior White House counterterrorism advisor Sebastian Gorka falsified his naturalism application or otherwise illegally procured American citizenship.”
Unlike illegal immigration, which is “not a crime” according to Democrats, the rules governing legal immigration are quite strict. If you lie on or falsify any federal government form, it is grounds for having your citizenship stripped away, followed by deportation.
Ironically, supporting a terrorist group like Al Qaeda, which Ilhan Omar has publicly done, is also grounds for loss of citizenship and deportation.
But the left’s squawks of racism are much more panicked than that. There’s actually a legitimate case to be made for deporting Ilhan Omar’s entire family.
Powerline Blog has determined that after an investigation into Rep. Omar’s origins, she not only married her own brother to commit immigration fraud, but her family applied for asylum in the US under a false name. Her last name isn’t even Omar!
Not to have to rehash this again, but Ilhan Omar’s family members were government communist oppressors of the Somali people under the genocidal regime of General Mohamed Siad Barre.
When the Barre regime was overthrown in a coup in the 1990s, Ilhan “Omar’s” family had to run for their lives because they were the bad guys.
Their friends and neighbors who knew them best all wanted to murder them with pitchforks and torches, because Ilhan’s family was a bunch of oppressive commie jerks. That was how they ended up in a Kenyan refugee camp.
But according to Powerline Blog, when the family came to America, they did so under false pretenses. The congresswoman’s real last name is Elmi. Her father’s name is Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.\
The US government knew that there was a guy named Ahmed Elmi in Somalia who worked for the genocidal Muslim communist terrorist regime and would never have granted asylum to such a jerk if he had tried to come to America as a “refugee.”
So, Ahmed Elmi snuck his way into America with his daughter Ilhan by pretending to be extended family members of the unrelated Omar family. The Omar family went along with this fraud.
In other words, the freshman congresswoman from Minnesota’s real birth name is Ilhan Elmi. She and her family members lied on their asylum applications, their citizenship applications and anything and everything else that they have ever signed the surname “Omar” to.
Those are absolutely fraudulent actions, which under US immigration laws are grounds for stripping their citizenship away and sending them back.
No wonder the Democrats are so worried about the “Send her back” chant.

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