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Drunk-Driving Refugee Kills 7 Patriotic Americans, Injures 3 in Crash
The mainstream media is going out of its way to avoid covering the senseless deaths of five retired US Marines and two of their wives in New Hampshire. You can probably already guess the reason for the news blackout: The perpetrator accused of killing them is a foreign refugee who should have been deported years ago.
The mainstream media continues to lecture us that President Trump believes he is “above the law” for attempting to enforce existing immigration laws. Meanwhile, seven Americans have died because state and federal bureaucrats repeatedly suspended the law to protect a foreign criminal. The hypocrisy is nearly unbearable to patriotic Americans.
A Marine motorcycle club in New Hampshire – Jarheads MC – was on its way to an American Legion charity event on June 21, 2019. Police say Volodomyr Zhukovskyy plowed into the group of happy bikers on the highway with his pickup truck and then fled the scene.
Local media refers to Zhukovskyy as a “Massachusetts man.”
The truth is that Zhukovskyy is a refugee from the Ukraine. The US government granted Zhukovskyy asylum years ago, and he has been committing crimes in America ever since. Here are the basics of Zhukovskyy’s rap sheet:
- April 2012: Arrested for driving without a license, negligent operation of a vehicle and speeding.
- June 2013: Arrested for drunk driving; license suspended for 210 days
- 2015: Arrested for larceny in Connecticut, caught stealing ladders and windows at a Home Depot
- January 2017: Convicted of possession of cocaine and heroine
- February 2019: Arrested in Baytown, TX for possession of a crack pipe
- May 2019: Arrested while driving drunk in Connecticut
Zhukovskyy is a commercial truck driver by trade. Despite being arrested with a crack pipe in his truck in February and a second arrest for drunk driving just one month ago, his Massachusetts CDL was still valid on the night when he plowed through the Jarheads MC in New Hampshire and killed seven Americans.
The head of the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) immediately resigned when it became known that Zhukovskyy’s CDL had not been suspended after his 2019 arrests.
This tells us that there was an official top-down policy at the Massachusetts RMV to suspend existing law if an immigrant or refugee is arrested. Resisting Trump is more important than the rule of law to sanctuary states that are unlawfully shielding all immigrants – legal and illegal – from prosecution.
Existing federal statutes – passed by Congress and signed into law years ago – state unequivocally that if a foreigner commits any “crime of moral turpitude,” it is automatic grounds for deportation.
The privilege of a green card or refugee asylum is automatically revoked if you come here and turn out to be a criminal. These individuals don’t even have to go through immigration courts to determine whether or not they should be deported.
A conviction in a criminal court of law is their deportation order! If you are a foreigner convicted of a crime – PACK. YOUR. STUFF.
If the law had been followed back in 2013, when Volodomyr Zhukovskyy was first convicted of drunk driving, he should have been placed on the first plane back the Ukraine.
If the law had been followed, a Connecticut Home Depot wouldn’t have been robbed, Zhukovskyy wouldn’t have been here doing cocaine and heroine in 2017, he wouldn’t have been smoking crack while driving on America’s freeways in February of 2019, he wouldn’t have been arrested for drunk driving again in May of 2019, and he would not have killed five retired US Marines and two of their wives in New Hampshire last week
And yet every step of the way, the Connecticut DMV, the Massachusetts RMV and federal immigration bureaucrats ignored and suspended existing laws to protect and shield Zhukovskyy from deportation. He was driving a semi-truck on freeways all across America, despite being a known cocaine, heroin and crack user.
Current standard policy for the media is to completely ignore stories like this. They tell us that immigrants are “more law-abiding” than everyday Americans, but completely cover up horrific crimes by immigrants.
Ann Coulter has been banned from appearing on Fox News for simply pointing out (accurately and factually) that first- and second-generation legal immigrants account for 50% of all mass shootings in America.
You’re not allowed to hear about foreign criminals like Zhukovskyy, because it totally destroys their open-borders narrative.

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