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Democrat Governors & China Communists Target Christians
Heinous acts against Christians during the COVID-19 pandemic highlight shocking similarities between Democrat governors and China’s atheist Communist Party. As people of faith sheltered in place, both anti-religious groups marshaled their forces and targeted worshippers.
Christians around the world were appalled at President Xi Jinping’s orders over the last several years for churches in China to be stripped of religious icons like crosses, Bibles and covenants. Reports indicate that at least two churches had crosses forcibly removed, and government agents also attempted to enter churches with bad intentions.
“The same routine and tactics are used all across China,” a priest from the Anhui region reportedly said. “This is not the case of a particular diocese or province. It is happening all over the mainland, but the mainland church is silent. If the churches don’t unite to resist, many more crosses will be removed.”
During Easter services, China’s aggression against those who took Jesus as their Lord and Savior surged. Members of the Early Rain Covenant Church joined a video event with religious prisoner pastor Wang Yi on Easter Sunday. Police reportedly stormed the houses of at least six Christian leaders in the Sichuan province, cut power, and arrested them for watching the live feed.
Although good people are horrified by the unscrupulous Chinese government’s crackdown on religion, few were surprised Pres. Xi Jinping’s administration would stoop so low during a holy day.
Likewise, Democrats in the U.S. have stunned many Americans by using the pandemic as a cover to attack Christians.
Liberal extremists Virginia Gov. Ralph “Blackface” Northam has repeatedly used the pandemic to far exceed his authority as an elected official. While the Chinese stormed the homes of Christians in Easter, Gov. Northam attempted to ban Sunday services of 10 or more Christians.
“Places of worship that do conduct in-person services must limit gatherings to 10 people, to comply with the statewide 10-person ban,” Northam’s order dictates.
At the time, Virginia had only identified 391 cases and nine total deaths in a population of more than 8.5 million.
The Northam administration targeted and charged a pastor of Lighthouse Fellowship Church in Chincoteague Island with criminal conduct for holding service for 16 parishioners in a church that seats 225. The U.S. Department of Justice, led by Trump-appointed Attorney General William Barr, intervened on the church’s behalf.
“For many people of faith, exercising religion is essential, especially during a crisis,” Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division Eric Dreiband reportedly said. “The Commonwealth of Virginia has offered no good reason for refusing to trust congregants who promise to use care in worship in the same way it trusts accountants, lawyers, and other workers to do the same. The U.S. Department of Justice will continue to monitor any infringement of the Constitution and other civil liberties, and we will take additional appropriate action if and when necessary.”
In Kansas, Democrat Gov. Laura Kelly implemented stringent rules impacting religious gatherings. A pair of Baptist churches were forced to file civil lawsuits just to be able to open their doors. A judge ruling in the case was astonished to discover that the liberal governor provided great latitude for non-religious gatherings.
“Churches and religious activities appear to have been singled out among essential functions for stricter treatment,” U.S. District Judge John Broomes reportedly said, noting that the governor’s treatment was “more severe than restrictions on some comparable non-religious activities.”
The far-left governor apparently planned to challenge the ruling, calling the Trump-appointed judge’s decision “preliminary.” In her lust to prevent faith-based gatherings, Gov. Kelly doubled-down by accusing Christians — without facts to support her claim — that “80 cases of coronavirus originated at religious gatherings.”
Proving the Democrat governor is leveraging the health crisis as a means to deny Christians their constitutional rights, she put forward a lengthy list of exempt gathering spaces. It includes offices, airports, hotels, restaurants, bars, and perhaps the most outrageous exception — shopping malls.

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