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“Chairman Nadler’s Integrity is Zero”
The impeachment hearings against President Donald J. Trump came to a startling end late Thursday night, Dec. 12, 2019. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerald Nadler (D-NY) declared the hearings over and stated that a vote on the two transparent, weak-sauce Articles of Impeachment would be voted on the following day. Nadler then waddled out of the hearing room amid cheering reporters as the abused minority Republicans yelled at his back.
“You’re Stalinesque!” Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) yelled at Nadler’s back from across the hearing room. “Let’s have a dictator, it’s good to hear about that.”
Nadler had not even discussed scheduling for the following day with minority leaders, but instead had scheduled a vote on an issue of incredible magnitude for the entire country – all on his own. Minority rights have been trampled in this impeachment farce from the very beginning, so this was simply icing on the cake.
“We didn’t have any fact witnesses, but we had a three-day trial!” Gohmert continued.
When the impeachment farce began, bizarrely, in the House Intelligence Committee, Chairman Adam Schiff (R-CA) excluded minority Republicans from sitting in the secret basement hearing room as he deposed witnesses. Schiff then selectively leaked prosecutorial transcripts – but only the ones that looked potentially damaging to President Trump.
Nadler’s “leadership” was even worse. Republicans were never allowed to have a minority hearing day in which they could call their own witnesses. Rather than allowing the President to have a fair hearing, Nadler only allowed the American viewers to see handpicked “experts” – most of whom were confirmed Democrat Party donors – who shared their opinions on how awful they believe Trump to be.
Nadler didn’t even allow Judiciary Committee Members to make closing comments before he scheduled the final vote, gaveled out, and waddled away to talk to his adoring media fans.
“Chairman Nadler’s integrity is zero,” declared House Ranking Member Doug Collins (R-GA). “His staff’s [integrity] is zero. They have nothing they can offer any more except the kangaroo court that we’ve seen for the last three days.
The giant rubber stamp that you’ve just seen from this committee has made this committee irrelevant. This chairman [Nadler] has made himself irrelevant. That was the most bush-league play I have seen in my life.”
In one of the most infuriating aspects of the impeachment farce, House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff’s staff released its own report Committee – and then Schiff did not appear before the Judiciary Committee to defend or explain his findings. He sent his staff lawyers to present the report.
It became surreal when attorneys who were Democrat Party donors working as staff attorneys for the Judiciary Committee asked questions of Democrat Party donors working as staff attorneys for the Intelligence Committee. Putting CNN in charge of the impeachment hearings could not have gone much worse.
The rush to jam impeachment through the House as quickly as possible is no doubt due to the incredibly thin accusations against the president. Trump’s exercise of executive branch discretion and authority in doling out taxpayer money to a foreign nation, Ukraine, is being called “abuse of power” that “threatens our national security.”
Huh? It takes me five minutes to even find Ukraine on a map. How is that tiny Baltic nation in any way a national security priority of the United States, let alone such a great priority that a duly elected president should be removed from office for holding a differing opinion on foreign policy toward that nation than his underlings on the National Security Council?
The second Article of Impeachment against Trump is for “obstructing Congress” because the administration refused to participate in Nadler and Schiff’s impeachment fiasco. This is a never-ending push-pull battle between the Executive branch and Congress.
The Obama administration withheld and exerted executive privilege over documents related to actual scandals – the IRS targeting of conservatives, Fast and Furious, and Benghazi to name three off the top of my head. Yet those obstructing acts somehow never rose to the impeachment level. Rather than having the third branch of government, the courts, decide the issue, Democrats are rushing to impeachment.
Fortunately for the American people, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has stated that there is “no way Donald Trump will be removed from office” once the impeachment moves to the Senate. Here’s hoping that impeachment backfires on the Democrats even worse than they’re already expecting.

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