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Bloods & Sharia Police Clash in De Blasio’s NYC as Diversity Fails
A notorious New York City street gang and the Islamic community in New York City are coming closer to open warfare with each other.
Thanks to an idiotic Obama administration policy that is still bearing rotten fruit, and the mismanagement of 2020 presidential candidate and current NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio, it doesn’t look like the NYPD will be able to contain the situation much longer. And once again, we see that the American left’s platitude that “diversity is our strength” is a complete and total falsehood that is incompatible with basic human nature.
The latest flareup was sparked when a young African American teen spoke to woman in a head-to-toe burqa outside the Masjid Taqwa mosque in New York City. We don’t know what he actually said to the woman. Perhaps it was a Romeo-and-Juliet situation, or he simply asked her what time it was.
What we do know is that Muslims in the mosque claimed that the boy had “disrespected” the woman, which prompted them to call the local Sharia police to rough the boy up.
For those who don’t know, the “Muslim Community Patrol” (MCP) in New York City was a program formed by the United Nations and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Better known as the “Sharia police” by folks on the right, the MCP has its own patrol cars which look almost exactly like NYPD cruisers.
The MCP “officers” wear little uniforms that look similar to NYPD officers’ uniforms, although they are supposed to be unarmed.
Their job is to patrol heavily Islamic neighborhoods and watch for any infidels violating Sharia law, so they can jump out of the patrol car to lecture and intimidate them into compliance. The Obama administration thought this would be a good idea to implement in America, and the “diversity is our strength” city of New York agreed.
The result has been MCP “officers” who look similar to police roaming the streets, harassing gay New Yorkers, lecturing revelers for drinking alcohol in local bars, and calling American women whores for not covering themselves up from head to toe.
After the young African American teen “disrespected” a Muslim woman outside the Masjid Taqwa mosque, a Sharia police officer swooped in and grabbed the boy. He then slammed the boy against the gate of the mosque and held him there by the throat, in order to let him know that infidels are not supposed to speak to Islamic women in burqas or else.
Following that delightful encounter with the Sharia police, the boy complained to his father – who happens to be a senior officer in the 8th Avenue Bloods in Brooklyn. Uh oh. Yes, these are the same Bloods who were in the headlines every day through the 1980s and 1990s, during their perennial war with the Crips.
Half a dozen Bloods, including at least one who was carrying a gun, descended on the mosque to have a few words with the Sharia police. The father of the teen boy told the Sharia cop, “Dude, I’m gonna bust in your [expletive] mouth if you ever put your hands on my child again.” (It feels weird to be writing this and actually rooting for a notorious American street gang, but there you go. The bonds of nationhood run deep.)
Witnesses say the Bloods were shouting at the Sharia police, “You all are running around here playing like you’re the real police. You all want to put your hands on these little kids. We don’t give a [expletive] about your Masjid. [Expletive] your Masjid!”
The real police from NYPD had to be called in to tell everyone to disperse. This is the poisonous fruit of diversity, which claims that you can bring alien cultures such as devout Middle Eastern Muslims, African goat herders and Honduran maize farmers and plunk them down in an American city, and everyone will magically get along.
There’s a reason why people have divided themselves up into different nations; they have wildly divergent ideas about the social order, which are usually completely incompatible with each other.
Unlike liberal white New Yorkers, who guiltily put their heads down and accept Sharia law being imposed on them due to their own “privilege,” the Bloods are not going to cede their territory to the Muslims. It’s only a matter of time before little flareups like this lead directly to open gun battles in the streets. It’s not going to end well.

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