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Biden Says “Dreamers” are “More American than Most Americans”, Stats Show Them to be Otherwise
Here we go again. Joe Biden is starting to falter in his Iowa frontrunner status, so he’s started blathering about Obama’s “Dreamers” once again.
In a rare moment of lucidity, Biden managed to speak in complete sentences when asked a planted question from an audience member about the “Dreamers.”
Biden responded, “In most cases, [DACA recipients] are more American than most Americans are, because they have done well in school. They believe the basic principles that we all share… I think they should be in fact put on a path to citizenship.”
Oh, please. Obama made the unilateral decision to act “like a king” and grant amnesty to the children of a huge batch of illegal aliens with no authorization from Congress. Barack Obama had an uncanny ability to look at all decision-making through the lens of, “What’s the worst possible outcome for Americans?” and he always went with that.
Granting blanket amnesty to the children of illegal aliens was a terrible decision, specifically because that is the least American demographic that you could possibly decide to grant amnesty to.
First generation immigrants do tend to be very hard workers, whether they are legal or illegal immigrants. They try to fit in and make the most of their new country. Their kids, however, are a huge problem that no one seems to want to publicly talk about.
Second generation immigrants, whether they are born here or dragged across the border by the parents, become deeply resentful people. They go to American schools at great taxpayer expense. They see the toys and nice clothes of their American peers. They struggle because they don’t speak the native language and they know that they are likely to be second-class citizens for their entire lives, because of a decision their parents made. Sure, they lack the perspective that their parents have about how cruddy their home country was, but that doesn’t matter to them.
Second generation immigrants – Dreamers – become the most hostile, volatile demographic in society, no matter which Western nation their parents move them to. All of the social science supports this – this isn’t some xenophobic, nativist rhetoric. Dreamers are dangerous.
There are plenty of historical examples of this, although the media never likes to mention it. Al Capone was one of the most famous “Dreamers” in American history. Sirhan Sirhan, the man who assassinated Robert Kennedy, was also a “Dreamer.” More recent examples include Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech shooter from South Korea who murdered 32 of his fellow students in 2007; and Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, the Kuwaiti “Dreamer” who shot up the US Naval Reserve Center in Chattanooga in 2015.
As I’ve chronicled previously, a majority of mass shootings in America have now been carried out by immigrants and the children of immigrants – “Dreamers.” Yet this is the very demographic that the Obama-Biden administration chose to grant a special exemption to under the law.
We’re still saddled with the Dreamers to this day. Congress has taken no action to try to remedy their “illegal” status, despite President Trump’s bizarre offer to allow them to do so. Trump is finally beginning to move Dreamers into deportation status so we can begin shipping them out.
Meanwhile, Americans continue to be victimized by a group of volatile misfits that should have been the first ones loaded on the bus the day that Trump took office.
Mark O’Gara was a husband and father of ten children in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He ran a successful tiling business in the Twin Cities. He was killed on January 25, 2020 by an Obama Dreamer who was driving with a 0.149 blood alcohol level. Mark was killed by a guy who should have been deported three years ago. Joe Biden says Mark’s killer is more American than Mark was. I beg to disagree.
Granting amnesty and citizenship to Dreamers is a dangerous and stupid idea. It would be as dumb as the Obama administration handing out green cards to Al Qaeda fighters who had killed American soldiers in Iraq and allowing them to resettle in Kentucky. Wait. WHAT?!

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