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Antifa Terrorists Seize Territory in Seattle. It’s Time to Send in the Military
Over the years, we have watched the American left become more radical and more ridiculous. We have tolerated it in the name of the Bill of Rights. They have the right to say stupid things. They have the right to believe stupid things. They have the right to do stupid things. They have the right to protest stupid things.
They have now crossed the line. They have declared war against the United States of America. This is no longer about what they are saying. It’s about armed, violent rebellion. This isn’t a series of riots that will burn out on its own. It is war. Real, serious war, and we have to treat it as such. For anyone who has any doubts, you need to learn about the new country in the middle of Washington state called “The CHAZ”.
In Seattle, there is a six-block zone that has been blocked off and is now being run by Antifa terrorists. It’s not a joke. It’s not a silly game. The police abandoned their precinct in the zone and the animals took it over. They did the same thing to City Hall. They are now calling it Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or the CHAZ.
In the CHAZ mob rule reigns over every home and business. While they are claiming that everyone is happy and living in a utopia, people are trapped in their apartments in rebel territory. Armed guards surround the borders, they are asking for ID’s from people who want to enter the area and are reportedly frisking some people. It’s also being reported they are shaking down businesses in the area, asking for money in exchange for protection.
They’ve set up communal food tents. One tweet from an Antifa member asked people to bring in food like vegan meat substitutions, soy, fruit and oats, anything to sustain their occupation.
This is a real civil war. This is an open, violent rebellion. It is sedition. It is all of the worst crimes you’ve read about but never actually saw in our country. And, it’s not in some remote stretch of woodlands in Oregon. It’s in the middle of Seattle, a city of 750,000.
The terrorist caliphate has issued a list of demands to the Seattle government.
- The complete abolition of all police in Seattle and the attached criminal justice apparatus.
- The complete disarmament of all police during the transition of abolition.
- The complete abolition of youth jails.
- A retrial for every single person of color in prison.
- The complete abolition of imprisonment.
- Vegan meat substitutes.
Maybe someday we can look back and dissect these demands and how little sense they make. Why do you need retrials if you’re going to abolish prison? Before we have that luxury, we have to face the immediate threat.
These are violent criminals who hold American territory. They are holding Americans hostage, and they are using American utilities and resources to post these demands.
It’s time to send in the military. It’s time to end the rebellion. We have a long history of refusing to negotiate with terrorists. Now is not the time to walk back on that policy. These people need to understand the severity of what they have done. They have declared war on the United States of America.
If they have the will to fight to the death, so be it. If not (and we all assume this is the case), we have plenty of room for them in the prisons that are not being abolished. Then again, since they have renounced their citizenship by acting in armed rebellion, it might be more appropriate to charge these terrorists with sedition and have them serve their time in Guantanamo Bay.
This. Must. End. Now.

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