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Trump Issues Executive Order to Count American Citizens
President Trump has given up on his effort to restore a citizenship question to the constitutionally mandated 2020 Census. Thanks to deep-seated progressive resistance in the federal government and the Supreme Court, the president will instead have to rely on other means to try to figure out how many US citizens are actually within America’s borders.
The Democrat Party and the media (but I repeat myself) doesn’t want the American people to see that number, because most people will be alarmed and stunned when we subtract the number of citizens from the actual population determined in the census. There are far more foreigners within our borders than they want anyone to believe.
Here’s an interesting question to ponder, and it’s more than just a hypothetical: What if California was actually a “red state” when it comes to voting?
That’s not a cute intellectual exercise or a just-for-fun what-if. I’m serious. What if California, New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Rhode Island and other “blue states” with heavy concentrations of legal and illegal immigrants were actually red states – but foreign nationals and illegal aliens who are allowed driver’s licenses were actually voting in those states’ federal elections on a mass scale?
The true answer to that question is the reason why the political left went apoplectic over Trump trying to restore the citizenship question to the census. And it would have been a restoration.
As Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) has noted, every presidential administration going back some 200 years has included questions related to nationality or citizenship. There’s nothing controversial about that.
Congressional districts are apportioned under the Constitution according to the number of US citizens in a district – not according to the number of residents.
That’s an important distinction in and of itself. It is the purpose of the 10-year census, after all.
If the census counts warm bodies instead of citizens, California could end up with 60 Representatives in the House after the census, when it’s actually only entitled to 48 or 50.
States that play by the rules would be shafted by blue states that invite in hordes of legal and illegal immigrants.
More importantly, many people expect that a count of actual citizens will reveal widespread vote fraud in blue states. Using round numbers, suppose that a “blue” state has 10 million adult citizens, but it had 15 million votes cast in the 2018 midterms.
This would be a shock to the system in America – and it’s a shock that Trump’s liberal opponents know is coming. Not only would that state’s election results be thrown into chaos, but it would also put the lie to the notion that Democrats “always” win the popular vote. They’re only winning if you count ineligible and illegal votes cast by foreign nationals.
Barack Obama eliminated the citizenship question in the 2010 census. He was the first president in the past 200 years to do so. That act should have been considered controversial at the time, for all the reasons outlined above.
How do you prevent blue states from overwhelming federal power in Washington, DC if they are allowed to count every illegal alien and every foreign with a green card as if they are no different than US citizens?
Instead of criticizing Obama for being the first to remove the necessary citizenship question from the census, the media’s response was, “Ho hum, that citizenship question was boring anyway. Plus, look how much money Obama saved the taxpayers by using less printer ink on the census forms! He’s so dreamy!”
Meanwhile, congressional districts have been inaccurately apportioned for the past nine years.
Liberals have been howling with rage for two years at Trump’s wish to put a citizenship question back on the census.
had to abandon that preferred method after the ultra-leftwing Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, joined with his fellow liberal justices to claim that the Trump administration failed to explain a justification for adding the question.
Our government is a farce, in other words. The census itself is illegitimate for its main purpose (apportioning congressional districts) if it does not count US citizens.
Here’s hoping that President Trump’s executive order succeeds, and we are able to actually get an accurate count of American citizens. If we do, the real fun can start after that, because it will expose widespread vote fraud in California, New York, Illinois and other blue states.

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