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The Three Most Important Words About the 2020 Election – You Know, the Thing

President Donald Trump blessed us with a lengthy interview with Breitbart News on late last week. And to Breitbart’s credit, they didn’t water it down or censor it by pretending (as they usually do) that the 2020 election was the safest and most secure and bestest election ever.

President Trump let ‘er rip regarding the greatest crime ever committed against the American people. It was also a smashing good week in terms of all the exposures that happened in a number of swing states, which I’ll recap below.

First, though, President Trump was asked what can be done to fix the clown show that we currently refer to as “elections” in America. I see absolutely nothing wrong with any of his suggestions, which were:

Voter ID; paper ballots; same-day voting; elimination of all early voting; no more computerized machines for voting or counting; and only allow mail-in voting in the strictest of circumstances, such as military members overseas or people too sick to travel to a polling place.

“Going to paper ballots,” said President Trump. “You know, Canada uses paper ballots. I think going to paper ballots would be the best thing if you want to have accurate elections. Countries that do paper ballots — solidly watched paper ballots — those are the ones that work.”

He’s right. Other countries, including Canada, feel that America’s elections are now the laughingstock of the world. Russia famously announced in December that America is “struggling to implement democracy.” And the week after the media hastily (and falsely) declared Joe Biden to be the winner of the 2020 election, Canada’s election officials released this statement:

“Elections Canada does not use Dominion Voting Systems. We use paper ballots counted by hand in front of scrutineers and have never used voting machines or electronic tabulators to count votes in our 100-year history.”

Read that statement again a couple of times, so it can really sink in. Canada is a neo-socialist country that actually supports most if not all of Joe Biden’s policies. But even they believed that the 2020 election was wonky as hell. After watching the debacle in the US as mountains of evidence of fraud piled up, the Canadian government felt it was important to reassure their own citizens that they use paper ballots – and they called out Dominion Voting Systems by name!

And what a smorgasbord of evidence of voter fraud we’ve had piling up this past week or so!

True the Vote has confirmed that it has identified hundreds of ballot traffickers in Arizona and Georgia, who worked diligently to stuff ballot boxes in those states with the help of NGOs that are owned by names like Soros, Zuckerberg, Gates and others. They have the goods on the ballot traffickers through both cellphone geolocation and on video as they crammed the boxes with Biden ballots.

In Georgia, the Georgia Star News uncovered the fact that about 90,000 ballots had the chain of custody broken on them in DeKalb and Fulton counties. The ballots were picked up but then were not immediately transported to their respective county registrars’ offices. Many of the ballots weren’t turned in for a full 22 hours after they were picked up – which should have rendered them invalid. What happened to those ballots when the chain of custody on them was broken for almost a full day?

Wisconsin admitted that they “lost track” of about 82,000 ballots in the 2020 election. Another 157,000 votes were identified as illegal in Wisconsin, because voters had fraudulently declared themselves to be indefinitely confined.

And the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) has discovered through the use of publicly available data that 16 million ballots were “unaccounted for” in the 2020 election. If a ballot is missing, what’s the big deal, right? It could still be sitting on the desk of someone who didn’t vote, or maybe they simply threw it in the trash, right?

Not so. Read this statement from the legal counsel of PILF:

“Fifteen million ballots were sent in the mail last year that never ever came back and were counted.”

The last three words in that sentence are the three most important words about the 2020 election. AND WERE COUNTED.

How do 15 million ballots that were not mailed back to registrars’ offices end up getting counted as valid votes in a presidential election? That sounds like something you would need help from a machine to do.

“That’s the election right there,” said President Trump.

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  1. Jake says

    Wisconsin admitted that they “lost track” of about 82,000 ballots in the 2020 election. Another 157,000 votes were identified as illegal in Wisconsin, because voters had fraudulently declared themselves to be indefinitely confined.
    that is Wisconsin’s election for Trump! I made shore I voted in person, as a disabled person’ I would have crawled there to vote! mail in fraud caused the majority of this fraudulent election, this has to be made illegal & when we don’t have honest elections’ can you say welcome comrade to the USSA the latest S hole of the world.

  2. bruce says

    Let’s face it. Whether you liked Trump or not, the election was stolen. Until these issues are exposed, fixed and measures put in place so they don’t happen again, we will not have an election that we can trust. The system is broken. Its up to us to FORCE those in charge to fix it or put people in place that will.

  3. Gerald Ladd says

    Thanks to voter fraud, we now ae the lauging stock of the world. Thanks to Joe, no other country believs in America anymore. All this in a few short months.



  5. Sam says

    Time to declare the 2020 election was illegal and REDO the election NOW before Joe can do anymore harm to our nation!! Impeaching him will only put Harris, then Pelosi in power AND WE DON’T WANT THAT!!

  6. Jack Livingston says

    We must DEMAND action from our elected people in DC to force them to deal with the scams associated with the last election. If they ignore your views vote out next year (2022). It is really the only hope WE have!!!!!

  7. Pat Dyer says

    Hail President Donald J. Trump — Can hardly wait to see your return to the White House to fix the chaos all caused by DemoRats, WOKE, Cancel Culture, and Socialist Extremists whose only desire is the Ruination of America and the huge amounts of money that they can jam into their pockets. May God See Them All in Hell ! God Bless America and God Bless President Trump and His Family !!! Everyone is finally seeing the “Writing On the Wall” while Election Time is approaching.

  8. Colc says

    How does voting help, if the election is rigged??? I believe this has been going on for years.??? If Newsome wins in CA again, then we know for sure it’s rigged in CA. I absolutely know AZ did not elect Biden, and yet he is President, beyond comprehension, and the only thing worse than Biden, is Kamala “baby killer” Harris, who is owned by Planned Butcherhood. Our only hope is turning to God, and asking Him to intervene, repenting of all our evil, and humbling ourselves in prayer, because look at it, there is a mountain of evidence for election fraud, just in the swing states alone, and look at the suppression, and outright bullying against anyone for even questioning election integrity, and yet they just keep getting away with all the fraud, except for a few individuals who have been arrested, on a small scale.

  9. DARRELL L HAWN says

    The election was stolen and Biden and all who had any thing to do with it needs to be charged with treason and put in prison for the rest of the lives in a military prison

  10. Vic says

    Impeachment isn’t enough. Too many crimes for that. And we’d have to remove Harris, who states she totally agrees and supports his decisions, and Pelosi, who is crazy power monger. We could get Pelosi replaced by Trump and get Biden/Harris either impeached or arrested, then Trump in as President.
    But I said after the election, a revote nationwide should be done, with clean non-fraudulent technique and rules. Or prove fraud election, decert if show Biden didn’t get 270. If it’s close (in a LEGAL election, never), do the one vote per state process. If a landslide for Trump, as I think it truly was in 2020, then just throw Biden/Harris out. Would be nice to include legal vote for Senate and House, since likely would not be a Dem win…not even close. But we have to have legit vote and get Trump back in, plus add time to term to make up for time stolen. The one following Biden will need every minute they can get to fix Biden disasters.

    Then stop being polite and go full charge after the fraudsters. Prosecute and convict all…not just fraud, but absolutely TREASON, with death penalty on the table for sure. A slap on the hand isn’t appropriate. Get highest charges for a heinous crime, not only against Trump, but our country, trying to destroy our country and Democracy. Make sure it’s a real deterrant for others thinking of following their treasonous playbook.

    We are too polite, too easy going. These people are abusers of us, of America, and if you let abusers get away with it, THEY ESCALATE, which they did because they found they never get punished. You have to STOP THEM and PUNISH THEM. For example, look at Ilhan Omar. She is a solid case for TWO fraud convictions, both already proven with irrefutable proof. Married her own brother, committing IMMIGRATION FRAUD proven by verified DNA samples from both. Secondly, voting fraud. On a COURT VERIFIED Project Veritas video, men verify she arranged for them to TAKE ballots from seniors in senior apartment facilities, and she was paying them $200 per ballot given to her. One of those saying this was another relative, others acquaintances. Both solid evidence cases for convictions, yet never charged, barely in news. She wouldn’t be a Representative right niw if she was convicted, pressuring Joe to do her anti-American plan. CHARGE HER NOW. Did any of the stand together Squad commit voter fraud? Maybe we should look at that. My gut says probably did.

  11. Paul Rodabaugh says

    This whole election debacle is past my understanding. Why does any American want to do away with the most wonderful Republic democracy ever?

  12. Clark Blevins says

    I know the 2020 election was stolen from TRUMP !!! I would like to see all of the crime families run out of Washington D C and put in jail for treason .

  13. anthony manzo says

    The problem was that the FASCSTS had in place the people who had the FINAL SAY if this could be brought to COURT. They all STOPPED IT. Remember JOE said ” We have put together the most EXTENSIVE and INCLUSIVE VOTER FRAUD organization in the HISTORY of the US ” That’s Why this AMERICAN PRESIDENT TRUMP< DID NOT GET HIS DAY IN COURT after 40 FORTY Attempts to bring it to COURT. To this THIRD GENERATION DEMOCRAT, PROOF POSITIVE there was FRAUD, FRAUD, FRAUD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we are PAYING DEARLY in BLOOD and TREASURE for it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. William says

    We did not have a election, it was a total Farce. The Democrat party is not the democrats I grew up with, my entire family has now quit the Democrats and vote independently. The Working people no longer have a voice. It is a tragedy that George Soros, and the Rothschild family , plus the ultra Rich, have taken over. The Delusion they presented, was gulped down hook line and sinker. We are almost there, loosing our freedoms. The Democrat’s in leadership, and he RINO republican’s are exactly the Same as Hitler’s fascists. Hitler used the same tactics with his brown shirts, to takeover Germany witch was a Democracy using his Brown shirts, and hen Austria.

  15. Wyatt Earp says

    Can we all agree that there was BRIBERY going on in the election? Article 2 section 4 state ALL CIVIL OFFICER OF UNITED STATES SHALL BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE. THAT INCLUDED ANY CONGRESS MEMBER, MAYOR, VICE PRESIDENT AND PRESIDENT! They can be removed for any MISDEMEANORS AS WELL! WE know MARK ZUCKERBERG HAD A HANDS IN MOST OF THESE POLLS ! Who was the officer taking the BRIBERY?

  16. 3Xe1ioaiNITxtqNW5CaZEzpxpY4ggtEQJVxO4x0v98I= says

    we the citizens of the usa desire the truth, the election was stolen, NOW look at the mess in 8 months,
    stop this, people are losing and need to unite get it together people and stand for your rights,
    communist have their hands in our business, remove them before you lose everything your rights, guns, votes, FREEDOM,
    wake up citizens

  17. Arschloch says

    The communists have worked for over one hundred years to change the United States to a dictatorship; they are damn near there.

  18. Kath says

    New election NOW .This country won’t survive 3 more years of Biden.
    We all know who really won the election, TRUMP!!!

  19. Robert Wayne says

    Let’s all pray that President Trump gets back in power and is able to implement these laws without left wing commiecrat judges somehow stopping him. The 2020 election was stolen by the corrupt commiecrats and everybody knows it. Time to put a stop to them and their games.

  20. Kurt says

    President Trump is right. Go back to the way voting was done in the past with paper. The Democraps want all this techno stuff so they can cheat on elections more easily. I hate it!

  21. Disgusted says

    This is pure and absolute TREASON!!!! ALL who participated in this scam should be brought to justice and held accountable. BUT – the Commander in Chief and his immediate treasonous group must be tried by a military tribunal and dealt with accordingly!!!! And – that includes the traitor Fucki!!!! He has committed crimes against humanity. Nuremberg – – let’s go again!!!!

  22. Bret says

    Fraud in Chief Joe Biden in less than 8 months has spent more money than all presidents in the last 100 years added together! How could any person do so much to absolutely destroy a country he is supposed to like? Name 1 other president who has done so much to destroy the lives of the people who supposedly voted him into office? He has performed more impeachable offenses than all US Presidents ever combined but the Republicans are too scared of him to fry his fraudulent a$$! Impeach the leech immediately he has always been a low life cocaine Junkie unfit for any public office of any kind!

  23. WEE The People says

    The Free USA States AG’s Can & Should Use there State & Federal Laws To Charge Theses people of Treason & lock them up Under State LAW. The USA STATES Have the Power Under Their Federal & State Constitution to hold these & other Actors accountable. Also Uses R.I.C.O. Laws. To charge Conspiracy to commit Treason.


  24. Rosemary says

    I pray that we are ahead of the game before the NEXT ELECTION, in fact, I am interested in seeing if the shame of a Governor in Cal. actually gets ousted and if not, well, there you have it!. No, I agree 100% that our great PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump should be sitting in the White House right now. God Bless America. TRUMP 2020 and 2024.

  25. Rosemary says

    I read today that They also NOW WANT to VOTE BY CELL PHONE! HECK NO.

  26. CharlieSeattle says

    Pathetic Trump, whine, Whine, WHINE! You had your chance!

    Trump blew a 2 month window as President. November 2020 – Jan 6th, 2021.

    Trump did not fight the obvious and well documented election fraud hard enough. We must deal with the consequences now, for 4 years!

    There was more than enough evidence for Trump’s DOJ to arrest Quid Pro Joe and his son long before the election, but they did not.

    Trump should have declared Martial Law and arrested the Deep State using the DOJ under RICO laws, but did not.

    Trump should have declared an Emergency National Security Resolution and built the damned wall and deported 28 million illegal Aliens, but did not.

    Also, Trump should have arrested Big Tech CEO’s using the DOJ and FCC under Anti-Trust and RICO laws, but did not.

    Trump and his DOJ failed America by, OMISSION OF ACTION!

    I bet Trump naively even thinks the Democrats will play fair in the 2020 and 2024 elections!

  27. Greg says

    100% agree with you! Thanks

  28. A Seeker says

    Yes! Use papers and count by hands…. The best and the most HONORABLE WAY to do things and getting t hem al done RIGHT!

  29. A Seeker says

    Yes! Use papers and count by hands…. The best and the most HONORABLE WAY to do things and getting them al done RIGHT!

  30. F. Hense says

    One question of many in my mind is “Who is the person or persons that advised President Trump whom he values for their advice and judgment for or against any issue that is later found to be totally wrong.” The reason I bring up my concern is that it appears that there must be at least 1 or more persons involved that carry a lot of weight in discussions and or policy changes? How else can it be explained that some appointee’s turned out to be “plants” (for lack of a better word) or who’s decisions like those of “Bill Barr,” “Christopher Wray,” are not in line with that of President Trump? I question the motives of some of those that President Trump has chosen based on recommendations from his advisers at that time? Am I wrong in my suspicion’s and concerns? In one way or another those who have been replaced for one reason or another seem to have come from fine upstanding families and first rate academic back grounds? I questioned what I described as a “revolving door” and suggested something like that of “Sean Connery” in the film “The Untouchables” Where “Sean Connery” asked “if your afraid of getting a bad apple don’t go to the barrel go to the “Tree.” Meaning to pick a new innocent uncorrupted cadet from the Academy with no ties to any group or politic.

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