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Republican Governors Vs Democrat Governors: Who’s Performing Better in Crisis
Joe Biden’s basement campaign may have suffered a death blow when acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell declassified the list of the real Russian colluders. Unless there are some convention shenanigans to replace Biden this summer, he may be toast in November.
With Trump’s second term almost a near-certainty, we should pay close attention to what’s going on in America right now. In 2024, we’ll have a wide-open race with no incumbent running (assuming Mike Pence bows out). It’s a definite certainty that in 2024, we will see a lot of people who are state governors today running for president.
The coronavirus outbreak has given us the perfect laboratory experiment to how governors are going to act in a crisis situation. That’s why you should be watching governors very closely right now. In 2024, Americans will have to choose between a MAGA governor and a Karen governor as we move into the post-Trump era.
The mainstream media really wants New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to jump in and replace Biden at the last second this year. I don’t think that’s going to happen. But there’s a very good chance that Cuomo could run for president in 2024. How has Cuomo done in reacting to the coronavirus, which he now refers to at the “European virus?”
His state has the biggest death toll in the country. It doesn’t help Cuomo much that New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio is also an idiot, and the two of them hate each other. But Cuomo’s leadership during this pandemic has been a catastrophe. Cuomo signed an executive order in March that forced nursing homes to admit sick and infectious coronavirus patients. He played dumb about the policy when first asked about it, and finally reversed it two weeks after it became public. That Cuomo executive order contributed to the huge nursing home death toll in New York.
But Cuomo is the big hero in the media’s eyes throughout this pandemic.
Another governor worth watching right now is Florida’s Ron DeSantis. The national media hates him. He’s “anti-science.” When DeSantis imposed a limited lockdown on Florida, the press roasted him for it. Florida has a sizeable population of retirees because of its climate, so the establishment was expecting Florida’s death toll to look like New York’s, and they hoped to pin it on DeSantis. How’d that work out?
The state of Florida has a population of 2 million more people than New York. The state of New York has had 27,282 coronavirus deaths, including 5,403 nursing home deaths (as of this writing). Florida has had 1,779 deaths, with 714 nursing home fatalities. The numbers aren’t even close.
Instead of imposing a draconian, Karen-wants-to-speak-to-the-manager lockdown on Florida, Gov. DeSantis imposed a limited lockdown and then placed a heavy emphasis on protecting people in nursing homes. Florida had repeated tests for people in nursing homes, daily temperature checks for staff and residents, and put anyone who tested positive in isolation. DeSantis had the same information about coronavirus that Cuomo did. Which one of them made the better judgment call when it comes to protecting the most vulnerable Americans? Which one did less economic harm to their state’s economy? It’s really worth asking those questions, because we could realistically see a Cuomo-DeSantis matchup in 2024.
While the coronavirus deaths are a tragedy, they also provide us with crystal-clear data that tell us how the people in charge are at doing their jobs. The worst-hit states in this pandemic in order of casualties are New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Illinois and California. 70% of all the coronavirus fatalities in America have occurred in those eight states. Guess which political party the governors of those states belong to?
On the flip side of that equation, there are a ton of Democrat governors who have wrecked the economies of their states for no good reason. They just did it because they think it’s fun to boss people around and enjoy sudden unlimited power. Oregon and Maine are two of the best examples of this. Those states are staying locked down pretty much forever, despite having tiny numbers of cases.
So, we shouldn’t forget how these governors are treating their constituents today, because some of them will be running for president in the post-Trump era. I don’t know about you, but I’d much prefer to have a MAGA governor running the country rather than a Karen governor. It’s better for your health and your business.

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