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Reality Check: Zero Percent of Southern Border Crossers Are Refugees
The Democrat Party in 2019 has moved so far to the left that they now want to abolish America’s southern border with Mexico (and presumably, our northern border as well).
This anti-sovereign extremism has gotten to the point where the flood of illegal aliens pouring across our southern border unimpeded have been successfully rebranded as “migrants” and “refugees” – as if they were forced out of their home countries by a military conflict. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s time for Americans to face the reality: None of the people coming across our southern borders are “refugees.”
At the latest 2020 debate for the Democrat presidential nomination, Beto O’Rourke called for tearing down existing walls on our southern border. He claims that the sparsely-walled portions of the border have led to “thousands of deaths” of families seeking jobs and a safe place to live.
Elizabeth Warren declared our immigration system broken – but not because it’s allowing too many people in. She snottily told the ABC News audience that if the system “cannot tell the difference between a terrorist and a 12-year-old girl,” then it’s obviously broken.
As if we’re somehow supposed to let the world’s 12-year-olds in. Jeffrey Epstein’s friends will love Elizabeth Warren’s policy.
And of course, Joe Biden, in between moments of having to shove his dentures back into place, claimed that the idea of controlling the border to keep people out is “not who we are.” What does that even mean? Americans are fools who should just let anyone in?
All these sentiments assume that the people crossing the southern border are refugees who need safe harbor, which they can only receive in America. None of them fit the definition of a “refugee,” however. Not under US law and not under international law.
The Mexican side of the US-Mexico border is almost entirely under the control of the drug cartels. Families that don’t pay the cartels thousands of dollars are not allowed to cross in cartel-controlled areas.
Any families that die on the southern side of the border are not dying because of walls, as Beto O’Rourke claims, but because they attempt to cross without paying the toll to the cartels. The drug cartels simply gun people down if they catch them trying to cross without paying.
Refugees by definition are not carrying around thousands of dollars to bribe a drug cartel. Real refugees tend to run with the clothes on their back and nothing else.
They don’t have time to make several trips to the bank to round up their life savings, because they are fleeing war-torn countries. Some of the Central American migrants may be moving to get away from corrupt governments, but no one kicked them out of their homes.
They made a conscious choice to move here and they saved up enough money over time to do so, even under the “poor” conditions of their home countries.
The drug cartels are charging approximately $7,000 a head to smuggle people across the border right now. How many American families have access to $7,000 in cash, per family member, right now? Not very many.
Do you consider yourself a refugee? Do you need to move to another country to escape American oppression if you do have that kind of cash on hand?
More importantly, none of the people crossing our southern border are refugees in the very simple legal sense. Under the Refugee Act of 1980, which is the black-letter law governing the treatment of refugees and asylees, there’s an important condition you have to meet to be classified as a refugee eligible for asylum: You must be based outside the United States when you apply for asylum. If you cross the southern border and turn yourself over to the Border Patrol, you’re not a refugee.
There’s a separate legal classification for any man, woman or child who crosses the border, and that is “illegal alien.” None of the people making their way into America from Mexico, Central America, South America, Asia, Africa or the Middle East are “refugees.”
If they were legitimate refugees, they would have stopped at the first available American embassy and applied for asylum. Some of the hordes crossing the southern border right now have crossed a dozen safe countries, including Mexico, and never stopped to ask for asylum in the US at any point.
To be clear: No one who crosses America’s borders and then asks for asylum are refugees. They’re illegal aliens, and they should only be treated as such.
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