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Profile in Cowardice: Beto O’Rourke Calls FBI on GOP Hero Over a Tweet
The Democrat Party has decided that 2019 is the year they stop kidding Americans with their “No one wants to take away your guns” placebo. The new stance among Democrats running to be America’s next president is, “Actually, we’d really like to take all of your guns away, and we plan to confiscate them.”
Good to know! Thanks for sharing. But among all the Democrats, no one wants to take away your constitutionally protected right to self defense more than the potty-mouthed trust fund baby Robert Francis O’Rourke IV.
Robert Francis gave himself the nickname “Beto” years ago in order to deceive Hispanic voters in Texas into thinking he had some sort of Latino roots. While that’s not as callous as Big Chief Elizabeth Wonder Bread Warren of the Milli Vanilli tribe walking around claiming to be the first “woman of color” at Harvard, it’s still pretty shady.
It seems like it was only a year ago when Beto was promising the voters in Texas that he would do everything in his power to protect their Second Amendment rights. Oh, wait. It was just a year ago when Beto promised that, when he was running against Sen. Ted Cruz in the 2018 midterms.
But this is 2019. It’s a brand-new campaign and we have a brand new Beto on stage, declaring that he’s going to force all Americans to give up their firearms.
At the latest Democrat debate, Beto was asked if he was going to take “assault” weapons away from Americans by force. Beto’s response:
“Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”
This obviously doesn’t sit well with the tens of millions of Americans who legally own AR-15s and AK-47s for personal defense, hunting, overthrowing a corrupt government if necessary, and general outdoorsy fun.
Contrary to media lies and Beto’s ignorance of firearms, the AR-15 is actually the most popular deer hunting rifle in many American states. There are tens of millions of these rifles in private hands today which are never used in the commission of crimes or mass shootings.
Texas state Representative Briscoe Cain didn’t take kindly to Beto’s gun confiscation fantasy, so he tweeted a simple response to him:
“My AR is ready for you Robert Francis.”
First of all… Briscoe Cain?!
That must be the most Texan name since Sam Houston! The guy doesn’t even have to tell you where he’s from, he can just introduce himself: “The name’s Cain… Briscoe Cain.”
“Oh, you must be from Texas!”
Briscoe’s name alone makes him sound like one of the historic heroes from the Alamo. Now that Hollywood is turning James Bond into a woman just to poke moviegoers in the eye with woke social justice, Briscoe Cain should option his name for the next action hero franchise. Or at least a TV show.
I’d tune in every week to watch Briscoe Cain and his sidekick Louie Gohmert investigate drug cartel crimes in Texas border towns. Who wouldn’t?
It turns out, Briscoe Cain is one of the most beloved state representatives in Texas. The groups Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, Texas Values, Young Conservatives of Texas, and the Texas branch of the National Federation of Independent Business all give him a solid 100% rating.
He’s considered the “most conservative” member of the Texas House. Briscoe Cain also holds the rank of Captain in the Texas State Guard, one of the three branches of the Texas Military Forces. Why have I never heard of this guy before?!
Naturally, Beto O’Rourke called the FBI and claimed that Briscoe Cain had threatened his life in a tweet. I guess we can add “drama queen” to Robert Francis O’Rourke IV’s resume. Twitter also rushed to help out Beto, by deleting Briscoe Cain’s tweet from the internet.
Beto’s cowardly response also illustrates the dangers of the “red flag” confiscation laws that so many states and the federal government are trying to pass right now. Briscoe Cain didn’t threaten Beto O’Rourke.
He exercised his First Amendment right to illustrate the absurd tyrannical nature of Beto’s gun confiscation fever dreams. And for disagreeing with Beto personally, Beto tried to get Cain’s guns confiscated by the feds.
That’s “red flag” laws in a nutshell. As for Beto, he might be surprised by the number of Americans that agree with Briscoe Cain on gun rights.

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