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Private Briefing: Pennsylvania Audit Inches Closer to Reality
Two state senators in Arizona have let the cat out of the bag. Both have confirmed that the Maricopa County election audit results and the “official” results from last November show significant “discrepancies.” That means the numbers don’t match up. We all know why.
The official report from the audit won’t be released for another month or so. But the word is swirling inside Trump-supporting GOP circles. The battle space is being prepared, and the dominoes are about to start falling. Arizona will be the first – and now it looks like Pennsylvania will be the second.
As soon as the rumors from the Arizona senators went viral online, Pennsylvania state Senator Doug Mastriano called the Republicans in his committee into a private briefing. That briefing laid out the way that the Arizona forensic audit was performed, and the discussion included how a Pennsylvania audit could be paid for. They may not be able to fully fund a forensic audit without donations from the private sector. Much of the discussion was about the legal ramifications of doing a public-private partnership to do an audit in Pennsylvania.
That was how the Arizona audit was paid for, by the way. The GOP-led legislature kicked in $150,000 and took in a smaller amount in private sector donations to cover the rest. I don’t know the ins and outs of the Pennsylvania law on the matter, but I assume they need at least some taxpayer funds to go toward an audit in order to provide legal cover and legitimacy. And appropriating funds is harder to do in Pennsylvania than in Arizona, because Pennsylvania has a Democrat governor.
Mastriano went so far as to hire an attorney to give a legal opinion on the funding question during the briefing. The attorney said he has a high level of certainty that partially funding an audit through donations would withstand legal scrutiny. (He admitted that the Pennsylvania state Supreme Court was kind of a mixed bag on questions like this, though.)
Funding questions aside, good for Doug Mastriano for stepping up and doing this. You probably remember him from the hearing that Rudy Giuliani held in Pennsylvania on the fraud that took place after November 3rd. Mastriano chaired that hearing.
When Giuliani noted that a batch of 600,000 ballots poured in during the middle of the night without election observers around, Mastriano asked how many of those ballots were cast for Donald Trump. When Giuliani replied, “3,200,” the entire room erupted in raucous laughter.
It’s a statistical impossibility for a Republican candidate to receive just 0.005% of the votes in a batch of ballots that size. Even in liberal Washington, DC, where Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden pulled in north of 90% of the votes in the last two presidential contests, Trump still got around 5 or 6% of the votes.
But 0.005%? It’s an insult to everyone’s intelligence to pretend that was not fraud, or that Pennsylvania’s election was perfect and totally above-board.
A few weeks ago we all thought that Georgia would be the second domino to fall after Arizona, but things have slowed to a crawl in that state. The Fulton County, GA ballots were going to be unsealed and inspected in June. Then that got pushed back by a lawsuit. The judge ruled in favor of the audits, but the ballots are still locked in a warehouse awaiting… something. We don’t have a date for when the ballots will be unsealed for inspection.
That inspection is based on the sworn affidavits of non-partisan election workers who said – under oath – that the mail-in ballots they examined back in November didn’t have any creases in them. They also noted that the ballots looked like there were on the wrong kind of paper stock, and they looked like they had been run through a Xerox machine. They testified to seeing thousands of ballots that looked like this, with only the oval for “Joe Biden” marked.
The frustration level for all of us is through the roof about this. How long does it take to open up some boxes and check to see whether the ballots look legit, or if they do in fact look like fake photocopies? Apparently, it takes months, when you have “Republicans” in charge like Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
At any rate, the way that things have slowed to a crawl in Georgia makes it look like Pennsylvania will beat them to the punch in examining their results. And the sooner that the Arizona auditors release their final report, the better. That’s when a whole bunch of states are going to need to audit their results, because the clamor from the public will become too overwhelming for them to contain.

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My thought is that Pa (the state I live in) will show the worst fraud in the country occurred here. The Democrats coupled by a lot of Republican “fence riders” let this happen and we must purge these dirty politicians from our system or there will never be justice for all as there should be. Shapiro is the worst of the worst and he must go at all cost
I hope all states in question DO AN AUDIT to prove FRAUD has been committed. Then the White House can be replaced with Americans who are patriots and respect our country. GOD BLESS THE USA!
I still maintain that anyone protesting any audit is giving direct testimony confirming fraud. Democrats maintain that Biden won decisively, why then resist an audit that would bolster their position? There can only be one answer to that question, they know the results were not accurate, and they know why they were not. Common sense and logic do not mislead.
Of course the numbers don’t match up and shame on all of the communist democrat cultists for stealing our right to a fair election!
There is a disease in this country and is being spread by the communist democrat cult that needs a vaccine!
Get it done. The perpetrators of the biggest fraud in the history of the USA have gotten away with it for far too long. After the true winner, President Trump, has been re-instated, people must be tracked down and receive the highest penalty they can receive.
And like I’ve ALWAYS said……Where are the 81 million people who voted for this DEMENTIA RIDDLED IDIOT and why aren’t they supporting these AMERICA LAST POLICIES?
Fantastic. Keep it moving as quickly as possible to get the criminals out at all levels, state to WH, ARREST THEM either at 5 am with floodlights or at their jobs, PROSECUTE TO FULLEST AMOUNT POSSIBLE, INCARCERATE for longest possible sentences, with all the shaming possible. Unless they’d like the recently brought back firing squad for treason. For this is TREASON. Possibly also domestic terrorism to bring down America.
You are right about PA. I’d say that state had more fraud and manipulation of their elections than any other. You had a candidate who basically said that they were gonna ruin your economy because PA is a big fracking state. Yet you voted for him? I doubt it. If you PA people set up an honest funding mechanism, I’ll put money in it for an audit. Other Americans will too. I have an idea, use some of that COVID relief money to pay for it. Other states are giving out tax breaks and funding border walls with it.
We “all” know and even Democrat know this election was stolen and must be righted before these socialist take us too far to recover!!! 1 of 70,000,000 Plus American Patriots!!! MAGA NOW!!!!!!!!
The sooner the audits happen the sooner we can bidiot/herass out of the WG and get rid of the rest of the dems. Because not only was the presidential election a fraud but the down ballot was also
Georgia general assembly must do everything possible to move ahead with Arizona style forensic audit. Pennsylvania should follow. If all three states decertify, the 12th amendment may be invoked. This COULD happen! We are truly in unchartered waters! If Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia decertified electors, Biden would no longer have the required number of electoral votes. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that states that a state cannot decertify previously cast electors. There is no statute of limitations where there is Fraud! With Republicans in control of 26 general assemblies, the 2020 election could be constitutionally overturned. It’s probable that even more states would cast their single vote for Donald J. Trump! Would the Democrats peacefully withdraw, admitting that they “cheated in the election?” Probably not! At that point, we would likely have a civil war. The military is sworn to defend the constitution. They would be with Trump. A victorious outcome can easily be foreseen.
Why are “We the People still putting up with this BS? It shouldn’t take a court order to audit an election. There is only one reason anyone would want to stop it. It’s blatantly obvious that there was a lot of fraud just about everywhere. It’s time to end this!
I agree.
Paul — You are exactly right !!!!
It should be clear how this is going to turn out as there is no way Kamala Harris can ever be President. I had a 40 minute conversation with her when she was CA AG and came away with the realization “That woman is insane.” I had developed evidence of corruption in the CA Franchise Tax Board and rather than take it, thank me for it and trash it, she had to beat me back. I got the whole routine including the insane cackle. She will be a problem unless the entire election is voided.
If the results are in why isn’t Arizona making them public ??? The longer they wait, more info is going to be be leaked that may be true and it may be false. Let’s not allow time for the communist democrats to muddy the outcome and twist and turn everything like they always do. Pennsylvania needs to get started because I believe there was as much or more voter fraud in that state as there was any of them. Evidence has already been provided that in Philadelphia alone — there was extreme fraud and corruption. As far as Georgia goes, I believe raffensperger is a rino, anti-Trumper who is in bed with the corrupt racist abrams who is neck deep in the fraud and corruption in this state and will stall as long as possible. We need to get the 2020 election and subsequent run-offs overturned, get this illegitimate anti-American so-called administration out of OUR WH ASAP not 4 years from now, not 3 years from now but by the end of this year and get President Trump back in the Oval Office where he should be. No sane person with a half of brain will ever believe that the pedophile and the former escort tramp got 81 million votes when they were lucky if they got 100 people at their rallies. Can I just say IMPOSSIBLE !!!!!!!
The democrats are like a bbq stick a fork in them they are done or like toasted
May the problems be found and fixed so we get a valid count of votes for once.
YES. It’s happening
The government of the USA is totally corrupt. cia, fbi, nsa, home land security. irs and all others. They were weaponized by the obama dictatorship. Now the biden dictatorship is continuing were obama left off. I think obama is running this country behind the scene with his third term thanks to all the damn cheating that went on. America is allowing it by the constant smear from the democRAT party. People better wake up and take a stand against these socialist/communist or we want have a country left.
3000 out of 600,000 = 1/200 = 0.5%. The author wrote 0.005%. Wow – off by two orders of magnitude. Must have failed fifth grade math. I wonder what else was failed?
Well they have somewhat confirmed what everyone already knew Crackhead Joe, and Kamala Clueless stole the Election in AZ! When is the Electoral College going to be forced to reverse their claim that Biden won? when are the lawsuits from AZ going to be filed and finally when are they going to pull the Fraud in Chief out of the White House and throw everything he did while there out and reinstate our actual lawful president Trump?
Pennsylvania is a very Corrupted State I live here so we have to demand a Audit so we can have Voter integrity. We Pennsylvanians need to know if are votes are counted or Stolen.
I hate to tell you this election corruption has been going on since Vietnam war that is when the liberal news and the democrats and the old republican guard took over the elections and has caused fraud since then Nixon was the last president to be honestly elected until trump was voted in because it caught the politicians by surprise 80 million people voted for trump and the currupt elections could not handle this
Here in Minnesota , there were Trump signs and flags EVERYWHERE ! NO BIDEN SIGNS .. except the occasional one here and there. I thought for SURE Trump would win our state . But somehow ,by some miracle Biden took the state . FUNNY HOW THAT HAPPENS !!!! #REINSTATETRUMPJAILBIDEN
Agree with all of you to the Thousandth degree.
We already know the election was rigged. We know Trump cannot be put in as President. We need to spend the money on making sure the next election is not rigged instead of paying for ballet recounts that will not change anything. There has always been fraud in elections. It is just now not hidden or Tabu.
Yeah; 3,000÷600,000=0.005 or 0.5%. So what? It’s still virtually impossible and that is the point the author was making. What is YOUR point except that you found a typo and you are capable of performing basic math?
I live in a Democrat run State and the same could be said here in my town. Trump signs everywhere, 2 Bidden signs out.
It is quite simple to determine the validity of the 2020 election;
How many of the 80,000,000 Votes for Biden were from Registered Voters?
How many from”dead People”?
How many voted more than once?
Where did the vote-by-mail ballots come from (who printed them after the election ended on election night)?
How many voted without an ID?
How many voted in multiple states and/or multiple districts?
How did all this crap happen in the first place?
What did Dominion do with the $400 million sent to them by China?
How many ballots were not signed?
How long does it take to open some boxes and check if the ballots look legitimate? Apparently, we need not months, but years, when “Republicans” like the Secretary of State of Georgia Brad Raffensperger are at the head, or the American “Nuremberg Trials” are badly needed after elections in such states.
We need to stop, every change to be done on our Laws and regulations, be overturned until this and other laws overturned should not be touch until all investigations are completed. This person on the hot seat needs to stop regulating anything, until all is clear.
He is hurting the United States in a communistic manner, with no regards of what he hurts
These scumbag democrats and/or RINO republicans who are holding up the audits are committing treason. They need to get smart quickly because after this all comes out in the wash, where Trump won and he is reinstalled as the legitimate president, those committing treason will be arrested and a military tribunal is waiting for them. They better get their affairs in order before the crying and begging for mercy starts. Personally, I think they should hang. That is the punishment for a guilty verdict of treason
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were executed for less. I bet George Soros is throwing even more of his money into this. He has interferred in the elections in Austria and other countries as well and needs to be hanged and quartered.
The demorrhoids are scared to death of our real President, DJT, and what is coming soon to a neighborhood near you.
Two things: 1) the sooner the information about the AZ audit is out the better, we need that information, not because we don’t believe that was fraud (we do), but because we need it to SHUT THE DEMOCRATS UP!!! 2) the people who are doing the audit keep saying it isn’t to change the 2020 election. Well, I disagree! We must right this catastrophic wrong, otherwise we will have an illegitimate government, and then no one will feel the need to do what they say and it will cause havoc in our country. So we MUST call for change!
I, too, must have failed 5th grade math – or arithmetic. Same with my calculator. We both came up with .005. I think Mr. Hoegerman should review that school book. The equation is 3/600 = .005
This current audit needs to be done asap. I think for the most part all the states should do a audit , it may need money to do so but I would be willing to say that most Americans who care about the way things are going in our country , everyday it seems like there is another disaster policy put in place Or the rats what to undo another policy that was put forth by President Trump,which wasworking . We know this election was rigged big time so let’s get these audits done so integrity can return to our election process.
Bam!! You nailed it. State budgets need to fund the audits. This business of “needing” more $$ to fund audits is total crap. Take 5-10% out if every funding project in the state. “You” screwed it up, “you” fix it. Politicians are evil, both Rs and Ds, and don’t forget that.
This fraud was planned long before the election? The Democratic Party hatched this plan after crooked Hillary lost her second bid to become president. The Democratic Party has been undermining former president Trump during his term in office with unproven allegations with the the cooperation of FBI’s and the IRS and even the justice system. They’ve spent more than 25 million on the Robert Muller inquisition which Hillary Clinton was Suspected to be behind with the dDozier report which turned out to be faults. Then there’s the another investigation into crooked Hillary e-mail where the FBI’s Director and the attorney general and the DOJ were involved with ether attempting to influence and interference with the investigation which was swept under the rug. To point in another Direction and take away from their corruption? The democrats Adam Schiff’s impeachment hearings what are you stocked and loaded deck and still this was a waste of money and time and took away from the real problems? Then there’s the next impeachment hearing which was another attempt to discredit Trump that was nothing more than vindictive horse hockey all these idiots really wanted was a Distraction to hide the true agenda
THE MONEY TO CONDUCT THESES AUDITS SHOULD COME FOR THE TAXPAYERS TO GET TO THE TRUTH? KNOWING WHAT Y’ALL KNOW THAT THE DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS WILL FIGHT TO HIDE THERE INVOLVEMENT AND WILL NOT SUPPORT ANY TYPES OF AUDITS. The Democrats have been pissing away money on frivolous impeachment’s, witch hunts and there latest distraction to take away from the mentality Unstable president and VP with another witch hunt for the January 6th so called insurrection.
Even when the election results are made public, what will happen? Do you really believe the democrat/communists will admit to cheating and relinquish the White House and other offices? Will Pelosi, Shumer, Clintons, Ryan and the rest of the criminal/cheaters be brought to justice? As much as I wish Mr. Trump were still in the White House I don’t believe the dems iconcede or admit to anything. If anything happens, I believe biden/harris will invite the U.N. or China to the U.S. to put down a possible insurrection. God bless and help America.
It is a disgrace ! The dem. MARXIST party is trying to cover up the investigation .When will the it end ,if the Marxists think they won fairly why not allow the ballots to be opened on live T.V.for all to see .
We need the military to go in and take every single one of the socialist instigators and jail them immediately with no bond.. Not one of these people are for America just absolute traitors firing squad is waiting
How long does it take to open some boxes and check if the ballots look legitimate? It depends on how long Brad Raffensperger is going to cover up the scammers Warnock and Ossoff, who have crawled like rat paths into the Senate.
Isn’t it funny how politicians all of the sudden can’t afford something at taxpayers expense? I thought throwing money at stupid stuff was what they do
Anyone with a working brain knows that Donald Trump, won the November 2020 election.