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NYC Makes It Illegal to Call an Illegal Alien an “Illegal Alien”
As if we needed any further proof that the Democrat Party hates America and everything our nation stands for, it is now illegal in New York City to refer to an illegal alien by using the term “illegal alien.”
That sounds bad enough on its own, but the city’s leaders are also using this speech restriction to criminalize several other currently legal actions that citizens might be compelled to engage in, such as calling ICE on the phone when an illegal alien robs you.
New York’s state legislature has done a lot to further the cause of illegal aliens, but lawmakers haven’t been able to keep up with the progressive handouts-for-illegals that California is engaged in. Not to worry: The Big Apple has it covered!
The new anti-free-speech rules were announced by the New York City Commission on Human Rights. If that sounds like an anti-freedom United Nations type of commission to you, that’s because New York’s Commission on Human Rights is directly modeled on the UN version.
While the UN is focused on enforcing the anti-speech codes of Sharia law, New York is more worried about the damage that words might do to illegal aliens.
Here’s the new law of the land in New York City, verbatim:
“It is illegal for a person’s employer, coworkers, or housing provider … to use derogatory or offensive terms to intimidate, humiliate, or degrade people, including by using the term ‘illegal alien,’ where its use is intended to demean, humiliate, or offend another person.”
Why is New York doing this now? Because rents have become too expensive in New York for service industry workers to live there. A one-bedroom apartment in New York City now costs about $3,000 a month. A two-bedroom apartment within 10 miles of the city costs about $3,500. Delivery drivers, fast food workers and thousands of other service industry employees simply can’t survive there.
So, rather than adopting an anti-illegal immigration stance in order to free up scarce housing and drive costs down for its own citizens, New York City has embarked on a major push to import cheaper illegal aliens to take jobs from its American workers.
The elites need people to wash their cars, walk their dogs, pick up their dry cleaning and deliver their avocado toast. Why pay pesky Americans for that when you can import cheaper foreigners?
But how do you prevent those same Americans from complaining about your brazen replacement of them if you’re an elite? Simple. Make it illegal for Americans to use their First Amendment right to complain about the illegal aliens!
Here are some additional creative restrictions of American rights that the New York City Commission on Human Rights is imposing on city residents:
“It is illegal for employers to … threaten to call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to harass, scare, or intimidate workers because of their immigration status.” Likewise, “It is illegal for landlords or other housing providers to threaten to call ICE to harass, scare, or intimidate tenants because of their immigration status.”
See how that trick works? If you’re an employer and discover that one of your hires committed identity theft to get a job, you are the criminal if you call ICE about that employee.
If you’re a landlord and discover that one of your tenants is an illegal alien – and he’s moved 14 of his cousins into your property in violation of every possible city fire and sanitation code – you are the criminal if you call ICE about that tenant.
“Illegal alien” is also the only legal term used in the federal code to describe an illegal alien. Phrases like “undocumented workers” that the progressive left invents out of thin air don’t exist in America’s laws.
The term “illegal alien” was used by Congress when our immigration laws were crafted, because it is the term that most accurately describes an illegal alien. They are in the country illegally, either due to unlawful entry or visa overstay; and they are “aliens,” meaning they owe allegiance to another country that is not America.
New York City has even set up a special hotline that illegal aliens can call if an American should happen to refer to them as an “illegal alien.” No wonder American citizens are fleeing the Big Apple faster than any other city in the nation. New York’s city leaders hate them with a burning passion.

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