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NY Times Pivots from Russiagate to ‘Everything Is Racist’
Despite its catastrophic failure to be accurate in recent years, the New York Times is still considered America’s “newspaper of record.” The Times sets the agenda for the rest of the mainstream media in the country.
Even though most Americans never read the New York Times unless by accident – sometimes the Drudge Report will link to an article that sounds interesting – the rest of the media pundits and anchors treat the Times as gospel.
Whatever “take” the Times has on an issue will determine what you see on CNN, MSNBC, Fox and the network news channels that evening. America was subjected to three years of the false Russian collusion hoax because the Times’ staffers are even bigger collusion kooks than MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.
If you think Rachel Maddow is a collusion nut, force yourself to try to read an entire article written the Times’ Maggie Haberman between 2017 and this year. But what is the “newspaper of record” to do now that the collusion hoax has blown up in their faces so spectacularly?
For one, the Times refuses to acknowledge to this date that its reporting on the Russia hoax was dead wrong. The newspaper won a Pulitzer award for a story that turned out to be 100% fake news.
Perhaps they’ll issue a correction someday, but probably not before the 2020 election. It took them more than a year to issue a correction on Hillary Clinton’s lie about “17 intelligence agencies,” so don’t hold your breath expecting them to correct the record on the Russia hoax anytime soon.
Controversy did explode at the Times over one issue recently, however. Jonathan Weisman, the Jewish city editor for Washington, issued a tweet suggesting that radical Islamic congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) were not really representing their constituents in their home districts.
This perfectly rational criticism of two members of ‘The Squad’ was too much for the delicate woke snowflakes on the New York Times’ staff. Omar and Tlaib publicly complained and Weisman was demoted, but the Times has not seen fit to run any “Muslims Throw Jew Under a Bus” headlines.
They did, however, hold an emergency staff meeting so that everyone could air their grievances about how a single tweet by a single staffer should reshape their entire news coverage of Donald Trump specifically and the rest of America in general. That meeting was supposed to be a secret, but someone recorded it and leaked the audio to Slate, which published the hilarious full transcript.
The meeting starts out with senior editor Dean Baquet praising the Times for its wonderful coverage of Russian collusion. Baquet told the staff that he wouldn’t have done anything differently in covering all that nonexistent collusion.
After his opening remarks and praise for his staffers for never, ever telling the truth – not even once – for the past three years, Baquet opened the floor up for questions. Those questions provide us with the answer to what the Times plans to do now that Russian collusion has fizzled out.
First question: “Could you explain your decision to not to more regularly use ‘racist’ in reference to the president’s actions?”
Hoo-boy! It didn’t get any better from there.
At one point, an unnamed staffer stood up and made the following statement to Baquet:
“I’m wondering to what extent you think that the fact of racism and white supremacy being sort of the foundation of this country should play into our reporting. Just because it feels to me like it should be a starting point, you know? Like these conversations about what is racist, what isn’t racist. I just feel like racism is in everything. It should be considered in our science reporting, in our culture reporting, in our national reporting. And so, to me, it’s less about the individual instances of racism, and sort of how we’re thinking about racism and white supremacy as the foundation of all of the systems in the country.”
That statement was made by an adult with a full-time job at the New York Times. So, there you have it.
Russiagate may be dead, but the mainstream media will now seamlessly pivot to calling Donald Trump, all Donald Trump supporters, and every institution in the United States “racist” and “white supremacy.”
How could anyone look at these nuts and conclude that they are anything other than an enemy of the people?

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