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Like It or Not, Civil War 2.0 Has Begun in America
Now that Americans have finally begun shooting back at the insurgents, we should probably go ahead and admit that we are in a new civil war. We have two sides and there have been casualties on both. That’s it. Civil War 2.0. Go ahead and admit it to yourself, quietly if necessary. But admit it. We haven’t seen political violence like this in America since the 1800s. A scary minority in this country has decided we will try the whole failed socialism thing – and the normal people are going to have to shoot their way out of it.
That hag who has haunted our nation’s nightmares for more than 30 years now – Hillary Clinton – was on a podcast with some cheering feminist cat lady the other day. Clinton told us what was coming:
“Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances.”
One possible “circumstance” is that Donald Trump is about to win reelection by a Nixonian-level landslide. Should Joe concede in that circumstance? No, not according to Hillary Clinton. Under no circumstance should Joe Biden continue our nation’s longstanding traditions of accepting the results of an election.
Hillary’s right-hand man, John Podesta, helped the party run through several “wargame” scenarios recently, in which a roomful of Democrat big thinkers role-played the 2020 election. Podesta portrayed Joe Biden in the games (so he presumably napped a lot). But when Donald Trump “won” the election, California and Wisconsin refused to certify the results and Podesta (Biden) refused to concede the election.
At that point, “everyone waited to see what the military would do.”
First of all, the Democrats don’t sound like a party that is confident that it has a chance of winning in November, do they?
Second, we should take them at their word when they say that they don’t plan to accept the results of the election, if Joe Biden loses. And why would they? The Democrats still haven’t accepted Hillary’s loss from 2016, and Stacey Abrams believes she has been the Governor of Georgia since 2018.
After Black Lives Matter and Antifa have taken an unknown number of lives this summer – the numbers in New York City, Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Louis change daily – Americans have finally had enough. They’re no longer simply brandishing rifles at the mobs, like the wonderful McCloskey couple in St. Louis. They’re sometimes shooting back now. And if we remain unwilling to call it a civil war after the two opposing sides are shooting at and killing each other, what term should we use instead?
A group of Black Lives Matter anarcho-terrorists was holding a march from Minneapolis to Washington, DC. Naturally, they were disturbing the peace in every town along the way (it’s a long walk).
In the town of Bedford, Pennsylvania (population about 2,600), the mob started a ruckus and one of the anarcho-terrorists ended up with a lot of birdshot in his arm. In Kenosha, WI, anarchists who had been bused in from Seattle and other places did what they do best. They like to peel individuals off from the herd and then overwhelm them with superior numbers to beat them senseless or kill them.
The “victim” that they peeled off last week was 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse. But the mob was unable to overrun young Kyle. He plugged three of them with an AR-15. Leftwing authorities were quick to charge Kyle with “intentional murder.” Most normal Americans wanted to adopt him.
Kurt Schlichter polled his roughly 300,000 followers on Twitter. 68% of respondents said they would never support a murder conviction for someone in a scenario in which they shoot three hooligans the way that Kyle did. Another 23% said they probably wouldn’t convict him. Only 2% said they definitely would. Yet we already know this kid is unlikely to get a fair trial and the judge will likely give him a 400-year sentence, which will be upheld by an Obama-appointed federal judge.
A Trump supporter was shot dead by Antifa over the weekend in Portland, OR. A pro-Trump motor parade in Los Angeles was fired upon. The list goes on and on.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and his wife were nearly killed by a mob on the final night of the RNC convention. That’s not hyperbole. If they had been unable to find police protection, the Governor of Kentucky would be appointing a new US Senator for the state right now. Perhaps Sen. Paul will wise up and start concealed carrying.
Speaking of which, if you don’t own a firearm to protect your family, the clock is ticking. You don’t have to want a civil war to happen in order for a civil war to come to you. If the mob decides that they are coming to your house next, you won’t be able to talk them out of it. Prepare accordingly.

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As for me ….. everyone will know once the shooting starts ….. “some” already do know
There are a minority of the 42 million black citizens trying to confront 170 million whites in the US. I don’t think the outcome they believe in will come to pass. There won’t be any Demwit government to tell our police to stand down. That in itself should make these Demwits see the light.
Lock, Load, Aim and FIRE! . . . And, PROSECUTE the SURVIVING ILLEGAL rioters (if there ARE any – Happy HUNTING!). SEND them ALL to FEDERAL PRISON to serve a LENGTHY SENTENCE and to pay FULL restitution for ALL damages done. MURDERERS need to given the DEATH PENALTY – NO exceptions. These ILLEGAL RIOTERS are on the WRONG side of the U.S. Constitution and it’s LAWS. They are COMMUNIST guerrillas, the MILITANT arm of the Democrat party and should be considered an INVADING force. Don’t forget FULL prosecution of the Left Wing Democrats as well. Don’t forget about Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler who have ALREADY committed TREASON and SEDITION. One Wary Patriot sounding THE alarm. Team Trump and his allies 2020.
This is equivalent to Bleeding Kansas. That was the prodrome to Civil War 1.0. This country has been sitting on a powder keg since 2008. If Trump wins and Biden fails to concede, Civil War 2.0 will likely begin. This is not something we should be eager to bring about. Civil wars are most uncivil, and the losses to life, liberty, and property will be devastating. We could well lose our Republic. That said, there is a point of no return. And beyond that point, the squishy middle will drop away, and those not lost, will have to choose a side. I choose Liberty or death.
Don’t forget to be a good citizen and pick up your brass.
Well if we got a Civil War 2.0 ** NO Point In Changing Folks In The Oval Office , YEAH **
Theses clowns are nothing more than cowards and criminals who are bullying their racist hatred against their stupidity alongside that are nothing more than cowards who will not pick up arms or fight for their convictions and the few that thinks that civil war is happening there truly mistaken consequences will be devastating for them.
People will make an issue of innocents killed. What must be clear is that once the shooting starts, there are no innocents in the mob. The mob acts as one entity and must be dealt with the same. All are fair game once they become part of it. If it was an organized structure, you could wound it by cutting off the head. But with this group, you will need to inflict damage to the entire body. I for one am ready when the time comes.
Most definitely lock and load these punk ass BLM, ANTIFA, The radical Left what ever you want to call these assholes don’t know what they are messing with when it comes to the country folks.
I stand for the flag the constitution the 2nd amendment the bill of rights , I don’t kneel for anyone and i will never let america submit to socialism, just try to change american values maybe then you will learn what america is !!!!!!
Nicely stated!!
Nicely stated!!
Sorry about the double reply. But actually your comment is worth a double reply! The Left (and those individuals behind the Left pushing for destruction of our Nation, are CLUELESS about the Silent (but deadly) Americans that can shoot a grasshopper from 150 yards away. Dems have no clue!
Great comment!
Sorry about the double reply. But actually your comment is worth a double reply! The Left (and those individuals behind the Left pushing for destruction of our Nation, are CLUELESS about the Silent (but deadly) Americans that can shoot a grasshopper from 150 yards away. Dems have no clue!
Great comment!
Sorry about the double reply. But actually your comment is worth a double reply! The Left (and those individuals behind the Left pushing for destruction of our Nation, are CLUELESS about the Silent (but deadly) Americans that can shoot a grasshopper from 150 yards away. Dems have no clue!
Great comment!
This is definitely a civil war. And whether our country becomes rich again depends on its outcome. a strong and prosperous country, or we will turn into one huge, burned by fires and destroyed to the ground – KENOSHА, at the head of which the fraud and murderer Hillary Clinton will again rise to its full height.
If the kids fell to get a fair trail. And judge charge him with MURDER. It ON! No doubts about it! They attack him first just like they attack the police officer! Good things he kill two. And left one easy to find! BLM member KILL A LITTLE WHITE BOY IN HIS YARDS. AT POINT BLANK RANGE! Now that doesn’t sit well for some people! Even KILLING A LITTLE BLACK BOY IN A BABY CART! THAT DOESN’T SIT WELL WITH SOME PEOPLE! They want to March from Minneapolis to DC! GO FOR IT! WE WILL PICK YOU OFF ALONG THE WAY! Give you a taste of what you DOING if you know why you are doing it! Be sure you smoking weed as you march!
Considering the fact that one side has the backing of America’s police and military, I would expect less of an actually war and more of a pathetic skirmish with the left going down in flames. TREASON CARRIES THE DEATH PENALTY !!!
What we are experiencing is not a civil war. What we are experiencing is an anarchist insurrection designed to bring down this Republic and replace it with a global socialist regime, better known as communism.
Just remember Antifa and BLM. You asked for it.
I do not believe the second civil war has begun. Things might get very dicey if Trump wins and Biden somehow pulls in enough mail in ballots to override the win. They might also get dicey if Trump wins and the democrat foot soldiers riot throughout the country. I do not believe if Trump wins he will allow a conflagration though. He has more respect for the country than that.