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Fake News: Media Outlets, Big Tech Parrot China Propaganda
be subtle, but a thorough comparison of Beijing’s party line propaganda and U.S.-based reports show troubling similarities.
Consider the attacks leveled against President Donald Trump during the last four years. When he made the decision to stand his ground against Chinese theft and unethical trade practices, communist state-run media outlets went on the offensive. So did America’s establishment media that should have put our country’s best interest first, ahead of China’s.
When China mocked U.S. efforts to restore a trade balance, the communists launched two distinct narratives. The U.S. would lose the trade war, and working people would suffer. Take a long look at just a sampling of the headlines run by the fake news media.
- Corporate Fears Grow Over U.S. and China trade war ~ NBC
- Trump’s Trade War Drives some Auto Jobs to China ~ NBC
- American Consumers, Not China, Are Paying for Trump’s Tariffs ~ NY Times
- Trump Promised to Win the Trade War with China. He failed ~ CNN
- How China Won Trump’s Trade War and Got Americans to Foot the Bill ~ Bloomberg
If one were under lockdown in a Wuhan hotel, you would expect that every one of those headlines was written by state-run media. The frightening reality is that U.S. outlets and China’s are in perfect synchronicity. Coincidence? Not hardly.
The communist regime has preyed on American corporate greed for decades. The lure of preferential corporate taxes over the U.S. rate — even under Pres. Trump’s Tax Cuts & Jobs Act — have many organizations internalizing and anticipating what Pres. Xi expects.
One prime example is the NBA, which wants to stand for racial justice on the one hand but turns a blind eye to China’s enslavement of Uighur’s and forced-labor camps inside China. Stars such as Lebron James can post their political displeasure about Republicans all he likes. But the facts are that the future NBA Hall of Famer is a hypocrite of the first order. So are the NBA corporate heads that change their messaging to meet China guidelines rather than lose revenue from overseas games. And don’t for a minute think ESPN has not toed the communist party line with them.
And that’s very much how China’s influence-peddling works. It starts with a seemingly friendly business transaction, then another, then another, and then CEOs are addicted to the easy money. That strategy has been employed for years with fake news outlets such as the New York Times that took millions in direct payments from China’s state run media entities in exchange for running their propaganda. So have the so-called big tech Masters of the Universe.
Facebook has bent the knee to China rather than lose millions of users and the billions in advertising revenue it garners. CEO Mark Zuckerberg has his liberal trolls censoring Trump Administration members and supporters alike. The information they post would equally be deleted if it were written in Chinese.
And the recent conservative overrun at the Capitol presented an opportunity for Facebook, Twitter, and Google outlets to ban the president, block posts, his supporters and boot apps popular among conservatives. That’s precisely what Pres. Xi expects from good communist party members.
Keep in mind that Google secretly worked with the regime to develop a search engine that would allow the communist party to track every online movement and utterance of its citizens. They intended to censor and black-bag political critics.
Is this same trend not parroted by fake news media outlets, Democrats, and big tech platforms?
Call it a conspiracy theory if you like. But the headlines and reporting remain unquestionably the same. Fake news outlets have been parroting communist propaganda for years.

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They know but don’t care they want to make as much as possible and don’t care about any consequences
All the Rhinos, Globalist, Deep-state Swamp-scum, “High Tech Traitors’, Demonrats, MSM Sacks of s**t”, plus the backers of this coup, (people like SOROS and friends, like Hillary), should be dealt with by “MILITARY TRIBUNALS” and when found guilty, “HUNG IN THE SUN” and left to rot in the tropical heat on “GITMO”!!!! That way they’ll be ready for the “FIRES OF HELL” when they all arrive there to burn for eternity!!! TRUMP 2020!!!! That’s what GOD WANTED and the evil POS who denied this with their lies and cheats deserve to “BUIRN IN HELL!!!! MAGA!!!! GAGA!!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND DONALD J. TRUMP!!!!!
Who’s surprised? If you bed down in the barn with the animals, you’re bound to pick up a few flees.
Why wasn’t Pelosi impeached for stealing from us taxpayers during the first FAKE impeachment which just proved all lies but Killery had connections with Russia! Then all the destruction this past summer by blm and antiva where was the outrage in the democratic states? Where was the outrage of the murders and beatings of innocent people and police ? They chose to set up funds to get bail money for the blm and antiva criminals instead of defending the innocent against them!!! All Democratic Governors, mayors, Ags with other democratic officials should’ve been impeached/totally put out of office for allowing this to happen and defending these criminals!!!! God Bless America and Satan has already taken over democratic officials. It would be a blessing if people would wake up and vote Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and others in their group totally OUT DONT ALLOW THEM BACK IN CONGRESS, SENATE OR ANY OTHER OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT POSITION.
There is one set of rules for me and thee, but a very different set of rules for the elite. We may not yet be their slaves but we certainly are their serfs.
Quit buying CHINA CRAP
America has and will become the western version of China. Censorship, will be become more prevalent – The politicians cause and flame up the division of the races, allegiance to the state mandates, our borders will pour open with illegals ( What Virus), our restrictions on Muslims coming from Terrorist nations lifted, our money will flow to other countries, our military weakened, and we have a President and a Congress, that don’t care about people – just greed and power. The American experience is over.
Not watching any lro sports, they are anti-american. Even nascar and pro golf. Getting to love the oldies golden girls, murder she wrote and several others.