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Exactly Quoting Democrats Now “Incitement to Violence”
Prominent Democrats and leftist media figures are doubling down on their tactic of calling it “hate speech” when you quote them accurately.
Another tactic becoming increasingly frequent is that if you quote them – verbatim and with total accuracy – they will claim that you are “inciting violence” against them.
You’re trying to get them killed by repeating exactly what they said! No one illustrates this hysterical, foaming-at-the-mouth tactic better than April Ryan, a joyless Hobbit who works for CNN and is a member of the White House Correspondents Association (WHCA).
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders stated several times throughout the course of the two-year Mueller investigation that she had spoken with “countless” FBI agents.
Any normal, sane person looks at that statement and realizes that it is hyperbole. Sarah Sanders doesn’t mean that she spoke to an infinite number of FBI agents.
She meant that she spoke to “a lot” of FBI agents. Other accurate interpretations of her statement might have included, a “passel” of FBI agents, an “abundance,” a “profusion,” “gobs” or simply “a whole bunch” of FBI agents.
But because liberals are incapable of abstract thought, every figure of speech made by a conservative is treated as a carved-in-stone, absolute truth.
When the Mueller Report was released, it turned out that Sarah Sanders had not talked to a “countless” number of FBI agents. The number was, in fact, countable. CNN’s April Ryan pounced:
“Not only does she [Sarah Sanders] not have credibility, she lied. She out and out lied.”
It’s like the time when President Trump hosted college football players at the White House. He served them fast food and as he welcomed them to the event, he said that the burgers were stacked “a mile high.”
Jeff Bezos’ blog, the Washington Post, ran a fact check and showed that the burgers were in fact not stacked “a mile high.”
See! See! Trump lied to the American people! NOW can we impeach him?!
But April Ryan’s straw-clutching went much further. In addition to calling Sanders a liar for using an obvious figure of speech, she used a euphemism to suggest that Sanders should be decapitated.
Because of Sanders’ perceived lack of credibility, Ryan said, “You have to start lopping the heads off… She needs to go.”
The left (especially CNN) has been suggesting for years that the words spoken by conservatives are an “incitement to violence” against Democrats.
Since turnabout is fair play, Sarah Sanders’ father – former Arkansas Governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee – called out April Ryan for her violent rhetoric.
Posting a video of April Ryan’s exact quote on social media, Mike Huckabee asked:
“So, liberals – is this okay? Does CNN have the integrity to deal w/this incitement to murder? CNN’s April Ryan says Sarah Sanders’ head should be ‘lopped off.’”
Huckabee also suggested that the WCHA should revoke April Ryan’s press credentials because of her violent rhetoric. This is, of course, hilarious after the years of double standards from the left.
“Trump’s violent rhetoric has incited everyday, normal social activists like Antifa to start dumpster fires and punch people! When will Nazi Trump tone down his rhetoric and stop getting people killed with his words?”
April Ryan responded to Mike Huckabee quoting her verbatim… by claiming that Huckabee was inciting violence against her!
She flew off the handle and claimed that if anything happens to her or her family, their blood would be on Mike Huckabee’s hands.
Then, in an example of drama queenery that will be difficult to ever top, she told the former pastor Mike Huckabee that he’s not going to heaven. Gotcha!
Meanwhile, no liberals are ever physically attacked in America for their political beliefs, even as leftists violently assault housewives, schoolchildren and veterans in wheelchairs for the sin of wearing a MAGA hat to the grocery store. In just a single day last week:
Owen Shroyer of InfoWars was punched by a drag queen while filming a pro-abortion event in Texas; Brandon Straka (founder of the #WalkAway movement) was punched by a model in an airport because he was wearing a MAGA hat; and Michael Knowles of The Daily Wire was delivering a speech on a college campus when a leftist stormed the stage and sprayed him with bleach.
None of those actual violent assaults on prominent conservatives was covered by CNN or anyone else in the mainstream media.
But April Ryan will surely have several days of fodder to talk about how she was “violently attacked” by Mike Huckabee quoting her. The double standard couldn’t be clearer.

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Some English teacher somewhere failed to teach these people to recognize a metaphor or a simile when it appears directly before them.
I’m fairly sure they realize it, but it’s better propaganda when they twist the truth, or the meaning of what’s said. And of course, like the punching / bleach incidents, just fail to report it at all
problem is, in this day and age, some people are getting their heads “lopped off.” So, it may be difficult to tell.
Hey, Hilary Clinton called me DEPORABLE AND UNREDEEMABLE AMERICAN Citizen while I voted for President Trump. I know many people that will never forget that quote. But then again, those were words from a LOSER!! Lol
I still Remember a Certain Congressman in Georgia at a Town hall Meeting in August of 2009 Saying ” IF YOU DON’T LIKE WHAT I AND THE PRESIDENT ARE DOING YOU’RE ALL RACIST’S AND NAZI’S ” and I remember his name every two years at the VOTING Booth and vote for the other person.
I don’t understand how you put uneducated fools on TV and call them reporters.
Hey they are lying, loser, liberal, left wing, lazy Democrats. Like a bunch of 6 month old children, immature uneducated and always extruding excrement, and crying for a change.
Hey, MAGA Max – haven’t you forgotten “over-medicated”…..?
April Ryan is an ignorant Woman! She is a Trouble maker& a Real example of how pathetic the left has become. Trump will Win again and they’re scared to death so they do what they do best on cnn lie.
Don’t forget the rest of the “mainstream media” ol’ Como, and the rest of the libroturds on CNN, and MSNBC. Lord I retch every time I hear RM gleefully report on the defeat of some needed measure attempted by the POTUS. That smug, insulting sneer of hers. Oh, the list is too long, but I check them almost every few days, to be fair. Then I go to Fox to hear (as Paul Harvey used to say) “the rest of the story!”
You can’t say anything to a left wing nut without being accused of something. You get unfriended on face book for disagreeing with them. The left wing politicians are always inciting riots but if you have a gun you’re the worst creature on the planet. What they are trying to do is start a civil war. Don’t worry though. There are enough on the right side alreqdy locked and loaded.
Fun Fact
The US military is now only 53% Non-Hispanic White.
My brother got “banned” earlier this week from some feed on News Max called The Left Hand View, or some such. He said it was a vulgar non-stop Trump bash. He replied to a couple of them with facts, and truths, which they attacked. He told one that he was a fool, and that the feed wasn’t interested in a free exchange of ideas. They demanded immediate sources, and while he was getting them, the fema-Nazi “moderator” banned him.
Nope, free civil public discourse, is fast disappearing from our landscape! Sad!
White Hate Groups and the FBI
Congress pushes the FBI for domestic terror data amid rise in right-wing extremism https://wapo.st/2JhOO1y?tid=ss_tw&utm_term=.517aed6b82c2
Bernie wants everybody to have moat everything free, and all of big business to become essentially government controlled. Cortez wants to eliminate all fossil fuels, retrofit every skyscraper in America, and get rid of all the farting cows.
And it’s us “conservatives” that are the “radicals”? Well all-righty-then!
Excuse me … “extremists”
What’s your point , JBarry ?
Thanks… I really needed a good laugh. Bless your little heart. So, I’m guessing that Snopes, CNN or MSDNC was too busy to provide you with info? WAPO ranks even lower on the “credibility meter” than the National Enquirer… Does your Mom know you’re on the internet?
Liberals are so completely pathetic they do as they want they attack anyone who disagrees with them both verbally and physically and than they blame others its never their fault. Them and many Democrats have called for harassment and violence against conservatives many times just one case Glasses of water who has repeatedly called for the harassment of conservatives and she is just one of many. When liberals don’t get their way they literally throw temper tantrums like spoiled children. They accuse Trump of being a Nazi when in truth it’s them that act and do things that are closely related they’re the one’s that do everything they can to silence those that don’t agree with them its liberals that have been physically attacking people to silence them there the Nazi’s they are the problem. It’s too bad after the wall gets built we can’t put all of them on the other side so we can once again have peace and prosperity in our country.
Liberal democrats i have to say they do a very good job on twisting things around to make their point simple, stupid, narrow in so many
etc., etc., etc., not confused with big words that sounds the person who’s saying is almost convincingly he or she is educated. Somehow it’s always perceive guides on is way out, out harder to deeper left. LOL!!!!!
Democrats propaganda does the greatest damage to a person’s character. They manage to chop away every fiber of this nations society. These people don’t read and absorbed the history lessons. What the Greed of Power will do
and destroys its well meaningful nation like USA. Hey the forefathers of this nation are turning over in their graves. Whatever hap to the late Rev. Martin Luther King ” judge not by the color of skin but judge by the Character”.
Oh!, The truth will get us killed now! No! Your lies are coming home to roost! We have now reached what is known as “Reap what you have sewn”, “What comes around goes around” and “You’ve made your bed now lie in it” Funny your race baiting parents didn’t teach your lawless sociopathic pathological lying selves any better…
Guess your rich liberal elitist privileged families should have warned you about how the truth does indeed catch up to everyone! The saying “A lie will die, but the truth lives forever!” Was missing from your childhoods no doubt.
Knowing you liberals I’m pretty sure you’re already blaming your parents for having to finally face truths and facts in utter disgrace! We know… It’s everyone else’s fault for what you personally do! Next you’ll say we have mind control over you and forced you to lie 24/7…
As the grasp of justice tightens around these lawless anti American, anti Christian, anti Semitic and crooked Swamp Creatures their lies, projecting, deflecting, blaming, excusing and etc will reach levels no sociopathic pathological liar has ever achieved before!!! Kind of like a Superman/Wonder Woman type of sociopathic pathological liar…
We will witness every Democrat politician, RINOs, democrat government employees in various agencies, democrat billionaire politician buyers, deep state operatives from Wall Street, big banks, other Democrat financial institutions, democrat run social media and etc looking for immunity deals to squeal and suicides and disappearances to silence squealers and immunity deals…
It will be the largest protective custody detail in history with the most people killed in protective custody ever!!! Basically alot of people will die and disappear in an attempt to subvert justice on the biggest lawless crooks of all time in any political party! You know I’m right! The big players aren’t going to prison without taking out the other players to survive. They’ll all turn on each other, thinking others are squealing on them. Paranoia will be beyond anything imaginable. I’m sure qutie a few will scurry away to countries that won’t extradite to here as long as they keep paying them with our stolen money…
Even when CNN and MSNBC has less than a thousand viewers both in a 24 hour period. The amount of propaganda will swell bigger than Obama’s and Clinton’s head combined! Wow!, that’s ginormous! Sure is! Even as they both walk to their prison cells the MSM propaganda machine will profess their innocents and impeachment of Trump is a done deal, BUT PLEASE DON’T QUOTE US ON OUR PROPAGANDA FAKE NEWS STORIES!!!
We could die!!!
Look!, No look closer between my fingers…
That’s the world’s smallest violin playing “My Heart Bleeds For You”
All of my conservative patriotic friends can’t wait to copy and paste your next ramblings of propaganda. We like using copy and paste so every exact word you say will be just as you said them! We wouldn’t want to get something wrong or accidentally misquote you! That would be unfair! We want to make sure you get full credit for all propaganda FAKE NEWS stories you utter and recieve everything you have coming to you with interest…
It’s CNN and one of their propagandist, what else is there to say? Liars, cheats, thieves aligning once again with another complaint. April wants no quotes of her stupidity! Yet she utters the BS. If it is dumb enough or lying enough it deserves to be distributed as her words so sane folks can consider once again how dumb or irrelevant what she said is. Kind of like putting something stupid or lying in writing. Don’t say it if you don’t want it quoted.
Once again, I direct everyone’s attention to Saul Alynski’s “Rules for Radicals”. If you don’t know who and what Alynski was, look him up. And check out his big influence on many of today’s leftist politicians. Two of the more prominent politicians are none other than Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.
I guarantee you that when you read the “Rules”, it will scare the hell out of you. Most, if not all the eight rules are currently in play and have been for decades, right here in America. Some have been fully implemented by the left.
The one, and I strongly believe, is the lynch-pin to making America a totally social / communist country, is Rule #4: “Disarm the people. That way you can create a police state”. For sure you can see the all out efforts by the leftist Democrats to accomplish that.
The Second Amendment was put in for a purpose. That core purpose was to guarantee the right of the people to have the means to defend themselves from a tyrannical government. If we give up our guns and the will to use them to defend our freedom, then we will surely become subjects, not citizens!!!
I will never surrender my guns with out a fight.
I’m normally not one for dropping the “F bomb”, but being an old school Constitutionalist Democrat like my grandfather before me. I must say in 100% honesty “Fuk those leftist swine”!
They are not getting my vote, nor is Ho Biten worth my vote. None of them are! MAGA TRUMP 2020 !!!!!
Hey, How’s Trump doing?
Not a very complete list! But for starters…
1) Selecting Neil Gorsuch For The Supreme Court.
2) Ending the fraudulent and disastrous climate agreement.
3) Killing The Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal.
4) Actually cleaning up the VA instead of just talking about it. Over 850 incompetents fired already.
5) Decreasing illegal immigration by 54%
6) Restricting the immigration of people who hate us from predominantly anti American countries.
7) Canceling 876 obama era regulations.
8) Freezing all Federal Hiring Outside of the Military.
9) Approving The Dakota Access Pipeline And The Keystone Pipeline.
10) Ordered Federal Agencies To Cut Two Regulations For Every New One They Propose.
11) Putting Out An Executive Order Asking The DOJ And Homeland Security to Withhold “Federal Funds, Except As Mandated By Law” From Sanctuary Cities.
12) Canceling obama and clinton’s promise to bring hundreds of thousands of Syrian muslims to this country.
13) The start on the wall.
14) Reinstating The Mexico City Policy.
15) Giving little girls their restrooms back.
16) Stopping the transsexual madness and allowing the military to put its actual job above political correctness!
18) Putting the left’s/Fake New’s anti America, anti Constitution bias so clearly on display so that even the blind can see it.
19) Enabling America to become energy self sufficient by unleashing our own energy industry.
20) A soaring stock market and record employment.
21) Actually begin the dismantling of obamacare.
22) Shut down obama’s “Operation Choke Point” that was designed to infringe on American’s second amendment rights.
23) Pardoned Sheriff Arpaio who was prosecuted for ENFORCING our border laws!
24) Federal jobs down 11,000 in six months!
25) Halting visas for government officials of countries who will not accept their criminal illegals back.
More To Come! You Can Count On It!
Order in the courtroom here come de judge Kavanaugh, SWEET!!
And he does it all for FREE! SWEETER YET!!
NEWS FLASH BOMBSHELL: Mueller Finds NOTHING criminal done by Trump OR his campaign!!! Sweeter and Sweeter it gets!!!
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Bernie wants everybody to have most everything free, and all of big business to become essentially government controlled. Cortez wants to eliminate all fossil fuels, retrofit every skyscraper in America, and get rid of all the farting cows.
And it’s us “conservatives” that are the “radicals”? Well all-righty-then!
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