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Epstein’s Victims Deserve Justice – But Will They Get It?
Jeffrey Epstein’s autopsy results should finally bring closure to all the conspiracy theories about his death – NOT!
With multiple broken bones in his neck, which are wounds consistent with being strangled to death by your murderer, it’s hard not to theorize about who got to Epstein. The only thing that we can be certain of at this point is that the official narrative is not the truth.
No doubt we’ll now be subjected to long, drawn-out think pieces in the New York Times about how conspiracy theories are a tool for the weak-minded.
You disgusting Americans lead such empty, hollow lives that you can’t comprehend the simple truth. You Americans with your… spouses, children, guns, churches and careers are just too simpleminded. That’s why you cling to conspiracy theories to try to make sense of the world. Thunder is not caused by some angry sky-god and Jeffrey Epstein could not possibly have been murdered by a shadowy cabal of elites. So shut up, deplorables!
We owe it to the many, many victims of Jeffrey Epstein to not be silent about the trashcan elites who were partying with him and knew what was going on.
Jeffrey Epstein always kept a stable of trafficked child prostitutes around him – for more than a decade – and the elites in his presence and on his private plane had to know about it. Jeffrey Epstein was accused by his victims of trafficking them to the elites in order to blackmail them.
Every parent in America should be outraged by this story. Some of Epstein’s victims were as young as 12.
You’ve no doubt heard of the handful of elites who have been named on MSM newscasts: Prince Andrew, Kevin Spacey, Bill Richardson and Bill Clinton being the primary ones who allegedly took a bunch of flights to Epstein’s pedophile lair on his private plane.
But there are many additional elites whose names have not been exposed yet – largely due to our wildly incurious media.
Thanks to citizen journalists doing the job that the mainstream media won’t do, we know many of their names.
Taking the names of every person on Epstein’s plane during a 2002 flight, citizen journalists scoured the web and found photographs with multiple luminaries from academia, Silicon Valley and Hollywood.
They were on the plane with Jeffrey Epstein on Feb. 20, 2002 with at least four (4) of Epstein’s child victims. Here’s the list:
- Stephen Pinker, Professor of Psychology at Harvard
- Nina & Tim Zagat, Zagat Restaurant and Business Reviews
- Gerry & Kit Laybourne, Founders of Nickelodeon and Oxygen Media
- David Rockwell, Imagination Playground
- Caroline Miller, Director of the Child Mind Institute
- Michael Wolff, Anti-Trump author of “Siege”
- Daniel Dennett, Atheism professor at Tufts University
- Richard Dawkins, Atheism professor at Oxford
- John Brockman, Publisher of Edge
- Katinka Matson, President of Brockman, Inc.
- Kelly Bovino, Actress, Model, Helping Runaways
- Richard Cook, Chairman of Disney (at the time)
- Bill Clinton
This is not to allege that any of the people on that flight engaged in anything illegal with the child victims. But it stands to reason that some of them must have seen things, which they failed to report to the authorities.
Epstein took many, many “party flights” like this where he wined and dined wealthy, prominent people. Several of the individuals on the flight logs were photographed with Epstein’s victims.
John Brockman appears in photographs with three of the children. Two girls appear to be on his lap in one photograph. In another, he’s holding a 12-year-old close to him, their heads leaning together intimately.
Brockman posted a photo on his personal blog in the company of the 12-year-old at another event.
Most of the people on that flight have some sort of connection to children, either through entertainment or education. A skeptic might wonder what the Chairman of Disney and the founders of Nickelodeon are doing on a plane with a pedophile and his child trafficking victims.
Oxford professor Richard Dawkins once argued that child sexual abuse is not that big of a deal. Kids are resilient and bounce back from that sort of trauma, he claimed. Kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
The child victims in the photographs look like… well, they look the way that any cop would describe rescued child victims: Sad, haunted, psychologically broken. Meanwhile, all the adults are smiling and having the time of their lives on Jeffrey Epstein’s private plane.
The worst and most damning photograph of all shows one of Epstein’s child victims with her clothing disheveled. Her lipstick is smeared around her mouth.
Her eyes are brimming with tears, no doubt due to the horrors she’s seen. She looks to be 14 or 15 years old.
Instead of asking why all of us deplorable Americans are clinging to our conspiracy theories, the media should be asking a different question: Why are you clinging to that poor girl’s waist in that photograph, Bill Clinton?

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