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Did Somali Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Marry Her Brother? Sure Looks Like It
Freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is perhaps the greatest living symbol of America’s broken and dysfunctional immigration system.
Despite mountains of evidence that she married her own brother to game the immigration system – with proofs compiled by PJ Media, Red State, the Republican Party of Minnesota and others – the media has been dutifully circling the wagons and pretending that Omar’s alleged marriage to her brother is all just a conspiracy theory.
It’s like Obama’s birth certificate all over again, but with lots more evidence this time.
For those who are unfamiliar with Ilhan Omar’s backstory let me catch you up…
Her family in Somalia were loyalists who profited from their relationship with Somalia’s despotic communist dictator-for-life, the ruthless General Jaalle Mohammed Said Barre. The Omar family members were the villains in this story.
When Barre’s government collapsed in a civil war, young Ilhan Omar’s parents fled with her to Kenya, where they stayed in a refugee camp for several years. They were finally granted asylum in America, despite their ties to the Barre regime. (Great job, immigration bureaucrats!)
Even though it’s early in her first term as a congresswoman, Ilhan Omar has already praised Al Qaeda; stated that in the 9/11 attacks, “Some people did something;” declared America to be a racist, hate-filled nation of white racists perpetrating racism; stated in a speech that, “America is not going to be the country of white people;” and attended multiple fundraising events for the terrorist front group the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
What a peach!
Ilhan Omar was granted citizenship papers in 2000. According to her own description of her bizarre relationships, she started shacking up with a guy named Ahmed Hirsi in 2002.
They never married, but she had several children with him, and they broke up in 2008. In 2009, Omar says she married a “British citizen” named Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.
They gave each other one of those Muslim fake-divorces in 2011 but remained legally married until 2017. Then at some point she got back together with the Ahmed Hirsi guy and is currently married to him.
The big issue is the Ahmed Nur Said Elmi guy, who appears to be her brother. While he was attending high school in St. Paul, Elmi was living with a man named Nur Said Elmi Mohamed.
Mr. Mohamed is Ilhan Omar’s biological father. Multiple witnesses told reporter David Steinburg of PJ Media that Mr. Mohamed is also Ahmed Elmi’s father, i.e., Ilhan Omar and Ahmed Elmi are either brother and sister, or half-brother and -sister.
Here’s another curious fact: From 2009 to 2011, Ilhan Omar, Ahmed Elmi, Ahmed Hirsi, and their children were all living together at the same address. Omar and Elmi were attending North Dakota State University at the time. The three adults shared another address in Minnesota after that.
When allegations surfaced in 2017 that Ilhan Omar may have married her own brother to commit marriage fraud, Ahmed Elmi fled back to Great Britain where he has dual citizenship.
Mr. Elmi, who was married to Ilhan Omar for approximately six years, now claims that he doesn’t know who she is. When Steinberg showed Mr. Elmi a picture of himself standing next to Ilhan Omar at a 2016 event in London, Elmi claimed he was just at the event and he had no idea who the lady standing next to him was.
Even the liberal Associated Press has admitted there is a “possibility of a connection” between Ilhan Omar and Ahmed Elmi. The AP attempted to obtain immigration records of Ilhan Omar’s family members but was rebuffed by the federal government.
Ilhan Omar has refused to provide the AP with a list of the names of her siblings, claiming she doesn’t want to feed the lies of her enemies. And these questions remain: Why did Ahmed Elmi suddenly move back to London in the middle of the 2018 campaign season, and why does he claim to not know his former wife?
Here’s another bombshell: While Ilhan Omar was married to Elmi in 2014 and 2015, she filed her tax returns as “Married Filing Jointly” with Ahmed Hirsi.
She didn’t marry Hirsi until after her divorce from Elmi was finalized in 2017. That curious discrepancy was just discovered as investigators were looking into campaign finance violations.
It appears that Omar used campaign donations to pay for her divorce from Ahmed Elmi, who claims he has no idea who she is.
It looks like the walls are finally closing in on Congresswoman Omar… not that you’ll see any of this reported in the mainstream media.

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