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Democrats Don’t Seem to Believe the Coronavirus Vaccine Works
The House of Representatives still hasn’t gotten back to “business as usual,” despite the fact that they’ve had a coronavirus vaccine available exclusively to them for months. Everyone in the House is still wearing masks. Full committee hearings are still forbidden due to social distancing rules. We now know that 75% of the Representatives in the House and many of their staffers have received the vaccine, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) hasn’t changed the rules back. Why not? Don’t Democrats believe that the vaccine works? It sends a pretty strong message to the American people if Congress doesn’t get back to work after receiving the vaccine.
The 25% of unvaccinated Representatives are almost all Republicans. Naturally, they’re the ones being blamed for Congress not suspending its dumb COVID rules. Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) has stated that he’s not going to get the vaccine. And why should he? He’s 25 years old. Even if he caught it, his age group is in the 99.96% survival range.
Democrats have painted themselves into a corner with this one. If they admit that COVID measures like lockdowns, masks and social distancing were pointless all along, people will be infuriated with them. So, they have to keep the coronavirus theater in play in the House. Hence, the masks and social distancing even after they’ve been vaccinated. Meanwhile, this causes things to slow to a crawl in the House, where they have ants-in-the-pants to usher in a thousand years of socialist darkness on planet earth. What’s a tyrant to do?!
Have you seen a House vote recently? It’s pretty hilarious. They now vote in shifts, in order to enforce Pelosi’s social distancing guidelines. A process that took a long time even when all 435 Members were on the House floor now takes about three times as long. Don’t want to have a super-spreader event! Even though… 75% of them have been vaccinated. Science!
The House’s Office Attending Physician (OAP) is in on the shenanigans as well. The OAP sent a memo recommending that even though Congress basically has “herd immunity” to COVID now, the masks have to stay on, and social distancing rules have to remain in effect.
And here’s a weird one: The OAP says that even Members of Congress who have already had COVID should get the vaccine as quickly as possible. Why? There’s no scientific reason for this. If you’ve had it, you have antibodies and can’t catch it again, right? Why are they so desperate to get everyone in Congress to take the vaccine?
Meanwhile, the rest of the world doesn’t seem to be quite as hot-to-trot over the vaccines as Joe Biden is. A 60-year-old Danish woman got the AstraZeneca vaccine the other day. She immediately formed blood clots throughout her body, in both large and small blood vessels, and started bleeding from her eyes before she eventually died.
That’s… that’s a perfectly normal side effect of a vaccine, right? Anyone?
The problem is that she’s not the first person to have serious clotting issues after getting the vaccine. It happened to three people – all under the age of 50 – this past weekend. Multiple other countries are reporting similar cases: A person gets the vaccine, then they have to be rushed to the emergency room with major blood clots throughout the body.
As a result, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Ireland, Iceland, Denmark, Bulgaria, Norway, Luxembourg, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Austria, Romania, Thailand, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Congo have all suspended the AstraZeneca vaccine. That’s a whole lot of countries. Italy has opened a criminal probe into the vaccine and seized 400,000 doses from hospitals and clinics after a man received the shot and died within hours from it last week. It’s weird that we’re not seeing any of this on the news over here. (In fairness, the only vaccines authorized for use here in the US are from BioNTech, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna; AstraZeneca is strictly a Europe/Asia/Africa thing.)
Anyway, anything that slows down the Democrats’ agenda in Congress and wastes time right now is good for America. Once a new administration makes it past that initial 100-day “honeymoon,” things grind to a halt and becomes very difficult to pass nation-destroying laws like the ones Joe Biden’s handlers are planning. It’s just odd that Pelosi hasn’t figured that out, and still refuses to lift the COVID rules. Shh! Don’t tell her!

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Peliso is a weak witch, who is a night maire for the people, spending tax payers monies, she needs to be gone??????
Just looking over the news and thinking that History repeats itself. Years ago the democrats had the “armed wing’ of its party known to all as the KKK. It was and still is a very racist organization, so the dems seemingly dropped them. Now they have Antifa, the armed faction of the dem party, and BLM, a pseudo minority protection party that attacks, destroys, and sometimes kills the people and destroys the businesses of the very people that they are supposed to be protecting. I guess that for a communist led party that is the norm.
I’m old fashioned, I like freedom.
BOTTOM LINE OF dem so called leaders IS LAZY WANNABE DICTATORS destroying U.S. Freedom & Rights !
soooooo now-the vaccines are not safe-neither is risking the covid contagion -wtf-is next??????????????
There is something seriously wrong with Nancy pelosi why does she still hold speaker of the house when all she does is lie
Joe Biden has the situation under control at the US-Mexico border. Please ignore the unprecedented spike in child molestations, kidnappings and murders of American citizens at the hands and other body parts of illegal aliens. We should instead be focusing on important things like rooting out “white supremacists” from the Air Force. Joe Biden says there’s no crisis at the US-Mexico border – and that’s good enough for the US media!
The truth of the matter is that the border IS a full-blown crisis for the American people. There were 100,000 illegal border crossers caught in February and according to Border Patrol agent whistleblowers, the numbers have doubled in March. At the last count, there were more than 13,000 Central American kids being held in the Biden Child Concentration Camps™ on our southern border. That number is more than a week old, though, and it’s probably much higher now.
Even the gag order on the Border Patrol and the media blackout is failing to prevent the information from getting out. This is a full-fledged, purposeful disaster brought upon us by the Biden regime. But now, Joe has come upon a solution: Make Mexico look like the bad guy!
Sure, the Biden regime won’t characterize it like that. They’re still blaming Donald Trump for the border disaster, even though his Remain in Mexico deal with our southern neighbor caused the number of admitted “asylum seekers” from the Third World to drop by more than 99%. A healthy 20-year-old has a better chance of dying from COVID than an illegal alien had of being admitted into the US under Remain in Mexico.
Now the Biden regime has secretly opened talks with Mexico to help fix the disaster that Biden caused. See how that trick works? If Mexico actually starts policing its northern border again and stops letting so many illegals get through, Biden can blame Mexico for it. Meanwhile, he’ll be hoping that they can get a bunch of the current crop processed so he can invite the next batch of Third World fighting aged warriors into our country.
And since I apparently need to keep shouting it from the rooftops, here’s a message to all parents in America about these migrants: Watch out for your kids!
In 13 of the 31 states in Mexico, as well the capital Mexico City, the age of consent for sexual activity is 12. In more rural parts of Mexico, many girls are married by age 13. In the remaining states in Mexico, the age of consent is 14. You should also know that in Mexico, a girl between 12 and 14 must first prove to the court that she is not a slut before charges can be filed against her molester.
The laws on child-adult sexual relations are equally repugnant in all the countries to the south of Mexico. The migrants are bringing these disgusting cultural pedophilia practices with them when they cross the border. They don’t suddenly stop looking at 12-year-old girls as “fair game” when they cross a line in the sand that says they’re in America.
As he was pleading guilty to raping a 10-year-old girl in West Virginia, Diego Lopez-Mendez from Mexico told the court, “In the pueblo where I grew up, girls are usually married by 13 years old…I was unaware of the nature of the offense or that it was a bad crime.”
Imagine sitting in a courtroom and hearing your own daughter’s molester say that. Through an interpreter, obviously. That’s what the Biden regime is unleashing on America – and every parent needs to know about it.
Not that I have any hope of Mexico actually bailing out the Biden regime on this one. Untaxed remittances to Mexico from illegal aliens working in stolen jobs here in America amount to billions of dollars every year. Those remittances are a major contributor to Mexico’s economy, and their president isn’t going to want to lose those. Looks like Biden is on his own in trying to clean up this mess that he made. And that’s bad news for America.
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Great post Don L. Everyone should know about the consent age in Mexico, weather you have daughters or sons.
Also anything that slows down the House doing harm to America is a good thing.
Even if Pealouse is getting the credit or blame.