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China Must Be Laughing at the World’s Climate Kooks
You can’t turn on the television these days without being hammered by fake news anchors blathering about global warming. Apparently, there’s a “climate strike” going on around the world as brainwashed schoolchildren, Democrats and French people march in the streets demanding that liberty and capitalism be destroyed in the name of their bizarre weather religion.
In addition to parades, they’re also holding public revivals in which they preach fiery sermons about the impending apocalypse if we don’t all repent and convert to recycling our milk jugs immediately. One nation that is noticeably not participating in the climate kookiness is Communist China.
Before we get to China – which is well worth talking about if you actually care about the environment, clean air and clean water – here’s a quick tour around the world to examine some of the weather nuttiness taking place.
In Berlin, protesters erected a hangman’s gallows in front of the Brandenburg Gate. Three people then stood on blocks of ice with nooses around their necks. Get it? If we do not ACT NOW, the ice will melt, and those three young people will be hanged.
MSNBC called it a “striking visual image.” They used real nooses and real rope, as well. They must have done their research better than Jussie Smollett and the Nigerian brothers who he paid to attack him in Chicago.
I would note, however, that the nooses were not on very tight. The knots weren’t placed behind the protesters’ ears, and their hands were not tied behind their backs. Virtue signaling is all about signaling, after all. Wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt!
Brainwashed children are all over the place blathering on TV about the climate. Emboldened by a mentally challenged Swedish girl named Greta, who lectured the US Congress this week, kids across the country got to skip school for a day to participate in the global warming shindig.
Why is some kid from Sweden lecturing our Congress anyway? Don’t they have anything better to do?
According to Greta, children in her home country are going to continue the “climate strike” every Friday until the Swedish government changes its laws to comport with Barack Obama’s Paris Climate Accords.
In what is probably bad news for Greta, in the latest polling on issues of importance to Swedish voters, global warming ranks near the very bottom of the list. The Swedes are even less concerned about global warming than Americans.
Here in the US, Hollywood is blathering about the climate strike as well. That’s to be expected from the hypocrites in Tinseltown.
In a rare public appearance in Washington, DC, however, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) waddled out of the Capitol building to preach a sermon to the gathered kids who were skipping school for a day.
Keep in mind that Congressman Nadler is the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, which is currently involved in the very serious work of impeaching President Donald Trump. Nadler must be a very serious person, therefore. At least, you might think that until you hear him preach.
Nadler told the crowd of kids that the oceans are turning into acid because of mankind’s actions: “They will destroy the entire food chain and essentially all that will be left will be bacteria and maybe some plants.” That’s a new one.
Let’s see, to date, climate kooks have told us that there will be an ice age, acid rain, we’ll all run out of oil, super hurricanes will wipe out continents, the ice caps will melt and we’ll all have to learn to swim, and that swarms of killer bees will take us all out. None of which happened.
Meanwhile, in China’s largest cities, you cannot see across the street unless a heavy wind is blowing. That’s because the smog particulates in the air are too thick.
City residents have to wear thick breathing masks just to go outside. China is building coal plants as fast as it can, and the air is only getting dirtier.
They don’t care at all about global warming and they’re polluting like they really mean it. Yet none of the climate protesters in the rest of the world ever mention China.
Their message is always the same: Give us your money, your power and your freedoms – and we will save the planet through our wisdom. China must be laughing all the way to the bank.
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