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Bill Gates-Sponsored Scientist: Global Warming Causing All These Declining Birth Rates
The world of Science has uncovered some great news for us. The culprit behind all of those sterilizations, stillbirths, young people dying from heart disease and immune disorders has been discovered. According to a Bill Gates-sponsored scientist, it’s not the COVID shots. The cause is global warming.
Phew! We thought that Big Pharma was in trouble there for a second.
Fortunately, a scientist has published a peer-reviewed paper in the New England Journal of Medicine that proves it was global warming all along. And since it came from a scientist, you know that this is information that you can trust! (Note: seriously, don’t trust anything these people say these days.)
As we’ve been reporting, birth rates around the world have seen precipitous declines ever since the COVID shots were introduced on a mass scale. The most heavily vaccinated countries are seeing the steepest drops in birth rates, spontaneous abortions and stillbirths. It would seem to a skeptical person as if the experimental mRNA shots that have been mass introduced to the human population are to blame for this. But not according to an article in the NEJM titled, “Climate Change, Fossil-Fuel Pollution, and Children’s Health.”
One of the authors of the paper is Dr. Kari Nadeau, who has published other research that was funded entirely by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Nadeau argues in the paper that all of the problems we’re suddenly seeing in children’s health are from global warming. Funny how the global warming didn’t cause children’s health problems on a massive scale before the past year, right?
Al Gore and other climate cultists like him have been blathering about the weather for close to 40 years, but now, all of a sudden, we’re finally seeing the “effects” of global warming right at the time when we’ve had a massive rollout of a brand-new experimental medicine that we’ve injected people with. Coinky-dink!
According to Nadeau, the following adverse effects are happening in unborn babies, infants and young children because of global warming: Adverse pregnancy outcomes, cardiovascular disease, immune disorders, mental health conditions, metabolic and renal disease, neurodevelopmental impairments, and respiratory disease. Global warming scientists say you should not notice the fact that these are all known side effects of the COVID shots. Because it totally can’t be the COVID shots!
Among the countries that we know about so far, Germany saw a 13% decline in live births in May 2022 compared to May 2021; Switzerland saw a 10% drop; and Taiwan saw a civilization-destroying 23% drop. We don’t have numbers for other countries yet, but Taiwan just released their numbers for June.
Live births for June 2022 in Taiwan have dropped more than 27% now from June of 2021. That is staggering, terrifying and impossible under normal circumstances. Nine months ago, when young Taiwanese couples would have been making babies for the month of June, Taiwan was in the midst of its mass vaccination campaign. By October 1st, they had 50% of their population fully vaccinated with two shots.
But now that we know that it was actually global warming, we can solve the root problem, which is having farms and too much food because of using fossil fuels or something. Just check out the Dutch farmer protests in the Netherlands right now if you have any questions about the globalists’ solution to global warming and the food supply.
Hey, does anyone remember a little while back when Bill Gates got in trouble for hanging around with his good friend Jeffrey Epstein who was a pedophile, and Gates’ wife divorced him for flying around on the pedophile plane and taking trips to the pedophile island? But then Bill Gates became an expert on farming and epidemiology, so the media forgot about the whole thing? That was weird.
Not that Bill Gates is making a ton of money by funding “scientists” like Kari Nadeau these days. We’re not suggesting that. The Gates-financed scientific studies about global warming must be totally legit. Because the alternative would make people really mad if they figured out that it’s actually the experimental mRNA shots that were causing the catastrophic declines in birth rates.

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Only a densely stupid person would believe this idiocy coming from Bill Gates, the evil one in embodiment! He’s a eugenisist and everything he’s done and is planning on doing stems from his sick, demented, evil mind. His cutting us off from healthy proteins, such as, beef, chicken, turkey, eggs and forcing us to eat bugs, insects is another attempt of killing us. I don’t believe bugs are healthy for our bodies, minds or souls nor are they a form of protein for us, and this is why he’s forcing them on us. His other new idea about this false narrative of global warming is to spray chemicals into our air to cut off the sun’s rays. This is insanity! Planet Earth and her evolutions need the sun – just another attempt to kill us and earth herself!!! People, stop allowing this evil, insane idiot’s consciousness to enter yours! Reject him and his insane global buddies on everything they are focing upon us!
if the decline in fertility is due to heat, how do these geniuses explain there is less effect in africa and latin america? it is now obvious the vaccines have caused cardiomyopathy, sterility and clotting disorders. when brandon mandated vaccines he became complicit in murder. this should all be investigated if the conservatives take the house in 2022.
Bill Gates is getting his wishes with depopulation by telling everyone to get those fake COVID vaccines. He knew before hand that they would case women from getting pregnant and cause women to loose their babies during their pregnancy. He is a murderer.
These scientist are really stupid. We all know that ‘global warming’ has nothing to do with the depopulation and people dying from heart disease and immune disorders. Our world is going to the devil really fast. Don’t anyone believe anything that they are saying because it is nothing but lies.
What is Bill Gates going to do when he manages to kill off so many people? Who will buy his products when there aren’t any being produced?
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Here———->>> 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲𝟯.𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘀𝗽𝗼𝘁.𝗰𝗼𝗺
The Globalists are counting on the general public to believe what ever they are told, because they think you are too stupid to know any better. Their fake war on climate change is all based on villifying Co2, which is not the cause of climate change in any way shape or form. They claim Co2 levels are too high, when the opposite is worse for the climate. Plants need a mean level of 400 PPM to grow and thrive properly, and we are now at a dangerously low level as it is. Do not believe the U.N. or their BS I.P.C.C. for a second, and their paid pet scientists who push the Globalist Agenda 2030. They are full of it, and will say what ever they are told to say in order to keep getting funded. Climate Change is cyclic and controlled by solar activity. Not by human activity, or Co2 levels, as these scientific frauds claim. Just like that bum Fauci was following the science right off a cliff, to fill his own pockets like Gore and Kerry are doing. These Globalists only want your money and all your property for them selves, you are just in the way to them ! FJB !
In my opinion, this is all propaganda for climate change and total control of people’s lives. Don’t believe anything these climate change people say.