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Biden Calls Capitol Riot a Coup, Attempts to Pass Legislation to Facilitate Voter Fraud
It might be obvious to you, but it seems President Joe Biden may have finally lost whatever remaining marbles he has left.
During a speech he made in Atlanta, GA, Biden called vice president Kamala Harris “President Harris”, stated he had been arrested during a civil rights protest and called the Capitol riot of January 6th 2020, a ‘coup’.
“We’re here today to stand against the forces in America that value power over principle —forces that attempted a coup, a coup against the legally expressed will of the American people by sowing doubt, inventing charges of fraud and seeking to steal the 2020 election from the people,” Biden said.
“They want chaos to reign. We want the people to rule,” said the president, adding, “The battle for the soul of America is not over. We must stand strong and stand together to make sure Jan. 6 marks not the end of democracy, but the beginning of a renaissance of our democracy.” he added.
Biden attempted to attack former President Donald Trump and his supporters, but his senile gaffes were obvious.
“Last week, President Harris and I stood in the United States Capitol to observe one of those before-and-after moments in American history: The January 6 insurrection on the citadel of our democracy,” he said. “Today we come to Atlanta, the cradle of civil rights, to make clear what must come after that dreadful day when a dagger was literally held at the throat of American democracy.”
Biden is currently trying to scrap the filibuster, a move which Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) called “the same tragic road” as Trump and compared Biden’s comments to Trump’s claims of voter fraud during the 2020 presidential elections.
“And so, President Biden goes down the same tragic road taken by President Trump — casting doubt on the reliability of American elections,” Romney said.
“This is a sad, sad day. I expected more of President Biden, who came into office with the stated goal of bringing the country together.” he added.
During his Georgia speech, Biden said, “The defeated former president and his supporters use the big lie about the 2020 election to fuel torrent and torment and anti-voting laws,”
The federal election bills which are stalled in the Senate, are not expected to pass as moderate Democrats refuse to lower the threshold on legislation from 60 votes to 50. Senate Majority leader, Chuck Schumer, however, intends to bring the matter to a vote before next week.
Biden is pushing to continue and expand mail in voting, something that recently has been shown to have huge potential for voter fraud and rigged outcomes.
He then asked Senate moderates whether or not they want to be on the side of ‘racist’ historical figures or crusaders for civil rights.
“Voting by mail is a safe and convenient way to get more people to vote. So they’re making it harder for you to vote by mail,” Biden said.
“I ask every elected official in America. How do you want to be remembered?” Biden pleaded.
“Do you want to be the side of the side of Dr. King or George Wallace?” he went on. “Do you want to be the site of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis? This is the moment to decide.”
Republicans in the House were quick to point out that Biden had actually received and bragged about praise he got from George Wallace, the segregationist, when Biden was a young Senator.
Biden was famously friends with Robert Byrd, Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, who filibustered against the 1964 Civil Rights Act and Biden also eulogized him at his funeral.
Biden has claimed he was arrested in South Africa trying to see Nelson Mandela, who was imprisoned at the time on Robben Island until his release in 1990.
Of course, that never happened.
The federal bills Biden is hoping to pass are the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which would take away certain state’s rights by forcing them to seek federal approval if changing voting laws.
The other bill is the Freedom to Vote Act, it makes election day a holiday and bars state’s from requiring voters to show ID to get a mail in ballot.
Arizona Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema, through her spokeswoman said last month that Sinema “continues to support the Senate’s 60-vote threshold, to protect the country from repeated radical reversals in federal policy which would cement uncertainty, deepen divisions, and further erode Americans’ confidence in our government.”

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We all know that Mitt Romney has shit for brains. He is a stupid Mormon motherfucker who kisses Joey Bidumbass’s ass. Asshole!!
Yes, that’s right. Mitt is a faggot too.
Mitt has a very tiny cock.
” F J B ” he was not elected to anything … he was handed our White House on a Platter of FRAUD ! It was Biden himself that bragged about the FRAUD just a few days before the 2020 Election ! Here are his exact words …
“We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
– Joe Biden, October 24, 2020
This administration along with the senile braindead Biden must go-Biden himself is a danger to himself he has been a habitual liar for years long before he ever went to school and if he thinks people believe his stupid stories he has another thing coming And to prove that point he has NO understanding of “Let’s Go Brandon” its meaning or where it came from–His wife Jill does and I’m shocked that she sat there and let him say that just shows she has no concern for Biden –that is elder abuse punishable by law.
Eat shit, Brandon!
Absolutely correct, Thomas. And just how are any Democrats getting away with all the treason the inflict on themselves and the idiot that is playing Biden? Biden has been dead since 2017. Shock anyone? It is true. We have been duped and thrown to the lions in the den by those evil rotten to the core Democrats. And anyone that voted for a dead man can go to hell. We will never forgive you for what you have done to us!
Mr. nediB, Might Have Read The Whole US Constitution, Most Likely Before He Became A US Congressional Person, Some-What Like Between 30 To 40 Years Ago, But I Can Lay A Bet That The Left Side Of The US Political Equation’s The Squad Alias The Corrupt Quartet, Then That Squad Expanded To More Than The Original 4 Alias The Jihad Squad, I Know That They Did NOT Read The Whole US Constitution, Because They Are ONLY Green Horn Fresh-Women = Beginners = The Anti-US Constitutional Brigade!!!
bydumb and rommneynoodles should both be beat within an inch of their lives with dirty socks full of Cat shit and roofing nails. And, then stop.
RINO Romney is a full bore Globalist behind the UN as he wants big power but he would just blow it like he is blowing being a Republican then who turned RINO today.