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An Impeachment Couldn’t Possibly Have Backfired More Than This
The House of Representatives voted to approve two Articles of Impeachment against President Donald Trump sometime in December of 2019. The date of this event will not live in infamy, because most Americans were too bored by the Democrat Party’s three years of antics that led up to the event to even pay attention.
Unlike the 9-11 attacks or the assassination of John F. Kennedy, no one is going to look back and remember where they were on the day that Trump was impeached.
Never mind the fact that the House was unable to find an impeachable offense to charge Trump with. “Abuse of power” for engaging in foreign policy – which is almost the sole province of a president – and “obstruction of Congress” for asking the Supreme Court to rule on House subpoenas, are not crimes; they’re certainly not High Crimes or Misdemeanors.
It will be interesting to see whether the Senate can even legally hold an impeachment trial, due to the invalidity of those two measures.
We may not even get that far in the process, however. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has now threatened to never transmit the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate. If she does transmit them, the Senate would acquit Trump, which would be unacceptable to Pelosi’s deranged base.
If she hangs onto the impeachment articles, Democrats can spend the next year claiming Trump has been impeached. The problem with this tactic is that even one of the partisan liberal law scholars who testified before the House has stated that if the Articles of Impeachment are never transmitted to the Senate, Trump’s impeachment has not technically taken place.
A major problem for the Democrats is that most Trump supporters are too bored to care at this point. Every day for the past three years, we’ve been subjected to the “news” that on the current day, Trump had done the worst and most evil possible thing in the history of things.
Trump colluded with Russia. Trump locked kids in cages. Trump disrespected NATO. Trump appointed Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. A Russian tourist ate a hamburger at Trump Tower and therefore Trump was guilty of violating the emoluments clause due to the profits he made from that hamburger. Trump gets two scoops of ice cream while everyone else only gets one. Trump’s salt and pepper shakers are bigger than everyone else’s at lunch meetings.
So, when Americans woke up on the day when Democrats held their little impeachment vote, we were all simply too bored and too fatigued by the nonsense to care anymore. “Oh, what’s Trump done today? More treason?” Perhaps that fact should worry Democrats the most. Americans no longer care about their antics enough to even fight with the Democrats.
If we still cared about them, we’d at least be trying to argue with them. It was notable that there were no armies of pro-Trump supporters descending on the Capitol to protest the impeachment. We just simply don’t care about the Democrat/media axis of evil’s BS any longer. Americans have emotionally checked out of the Democrats’ narrative.
That could be a very bad sign for the country. We’ve become so divided that the two sides no longer even care enough to fight with each other. The Democrats will never accept having a Republican in the White House again.
Many people on the right feel the same way about the Democrats. If the opposing party is simply viewed as invalid by half of the country, there’s no way to ever heal the divide.
It’s noteworthy that on the day when impeachment hearings against President Trump were announced, there were only Representatives from two states present at the announcement: California and New York, the two bluest of blue and most populous states in terms of electoral college votes. The rest of the country simply doesn’t care.
If our political divide cannot be healed, then the next question becomes, when will the divorce happen?
Followed by: Will the divorce be amicable, resulting the country splitting up between states that want to be socialist hellholes like Venezuela and states that want to remain a constitutional republic? Or will we be headed toward a hot civil war in which the victor will take the spoils?

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