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Adam Schiff to Launch New Trump Witch Hunt over Coronavirus
Fresh off his thrashing in the U.S. Senate, creepy Congressman Adam Schiff, now in isolation after one of his staffers tested positive for the coronavirus, reached out to his friends at the Washington Post.
Schiff told his news room buddies that he intends to introduce a bill that would allow him to set up a commission to study President Trump’s response to the current coronavirus outbreak.
He didn’t say whether the goal of the commission was to lay the blame at the feet of President Trump. That, of course, would have to be decided by the commission.
Possible commission findings could include:
- The Trump Administration should have foreseen the need for millions of face masks seriously depleted after the Obama administration failed to replenish them after the H1N1 epidemic.
- PresidentTrump should have morphed into an authoritarian leader and invoked an executive order that would have given him the power to make thousands of mechanical ventilators suddenly and magically materialize.
- As the coronavirus was spreading in China (where medical authorities were silenced by China’s communist leaders), local authorities in New York and New Orleans would have gladly canceled important public events if only President Trump would have said something.
- Oh, and that the 2009 H1N1 virus outbreak where 60 million Americans were infected and over 60,000 died won’t be mentioned in the commission’s report. Apples and oranges and a different president, folks.
As we brace ourselves for still more Democrat nonsense, the findings of the 9/11 Commission come to mind. Its goal was to pin our lack of readiness for that surprise attack on President George W. Bush. Ostensibly bi-partisan, it really wasn’t, until a stunning surprise made it so.
“Why weren’t we ready?” asked former Clinton Justice Department official Jamie Gorelick.
“Because the FBI was directed not to share intelligence information,” responded Attorney General John Ashcroft.
“Who would sign such an order?” ask Gorelick.
“Actually, madam. You did.” said Ashcroft, producing a classified 4-page directive signed by Gorelick.
The stunned look on the commissioners’ faces gave a clear indication that the proceedings had suddenly turned bipartisan.
So, Democrats might want to take a lesson. Setting up another kangaroo court to go after President Trump here would be a terrible idea. In the first place, relying on the likes of Adam Schiff, the man with the moral fiber and veracity of a weasel, would taint any investigation before it even started.
Also, how can Democrats claim that the President was not engaged early on before the pandemic hit? He established the White House Coronavirus Task Force on January 29 and imposed a travel ban just two days later restricting travel from China. And, yes, mealy-mouthed Democrats like Joe Biden are on record as characterizing the ban as xenophobic and racist.
Meanwhile, the White House, although functioning in an orderly manner, still had to be somewhat distracted by Schiff’s insane and stupid argument that the President should be removed from office. Likewise, during all that time, Congress proved incapable of any action at all.
When the crisis has passed and when, once again, President Trump’s leadership has been vindicated, at long last maybe the Democrats will realize that Americans have had enough of their feverish, partisan antics.
However, it seems that the only way to wash away the virus of the Trump Derangement Syndrome will be a repeat of the classic Ashcroft-Gorelick beat down, or, better yet, throwing the Democrats out of power until they learn to work for the good of the country.

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