About Time: Trump Kicks 3 Million Illegal Aliens Off Food Stamps
Remember the good old days when we didn’t need to use a secret decoder ring to interpret the news? Not anymore!
Nowadays you have to hold a news story up to a mirror, take a picture of it, flip that picture upside and backwards and sideways just to figure out what’s actually happening in our own country.
A great illustration of this is the media hyperventilation that’s taking place over a Trump administration move to reduce food stamp fraud committed by illegal aliens.
Every headline is basically a variation of “Trump to Starve 3 Million Children with Draconian Nazi Food Stamp Cut.” They claim that Trump wants to kick “American” families off of food stamps, and that his actions will cause millions of “Americans” to suffer from “food insecurity.”
Nothing that has been written about this story is even vaguely accurate.
To understand what Trump is doing with the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, or more commonly, ‘food stamps’), you have to look at how Barack Obama abused federal welfare programs to benefit illegal aliens. Virtually every regulatory change that Obama enacted made it easier for illegals to defraud the system.
Trump isn’t taking benefits away from Americans; he’s taking benefits away from people ripping America off, so that benefits can go to the American recipients they were intended for.
Under the Obama administration, welfare benefits were streamlined. If a person enrolls in the Temporary (but really permanent) Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, they were automatically enrolled in a host of other welfare programs.
As the Center for Immigration Studies and other groups have noted, TANF is the single most-abused welfare program by illegal aliens.
Millions sign up for the program the instant that they squeeze out a fake “American citizen” anchor baby. Obama used that weakness in our system to streamline welfare fraud for illegal aliens.
Once an illegal alien signs up for TANF benefits for one baby, they are auto enrolled for food stamp benefits for their entire household (as opposed to food stamps for just one baby). There are likely other federal programs that Obama gamed to benefit illegals over American citizens as well.
Here’s a simple example of how Obama rigged the system to give food stamps to illegal aliens over Americans. Let’s say you have two households: A mother, a father, a baby and $2,500 a month in income – but in one household, the parents are both American citizens and in the other, the parents are illegal aliens with an anchor baby.
Under Obama’s rule changes, the family with two American parents is denied food stamps because their income is too high. But in the illegal alien household, the income is calculated even lower (because the illegals are not Americans) and they automatically qualify for food stamps.
The poor American family is denied benefits, while the illegal alien household with an anchor baby gets preferential treatment. The food stamp program is structured so that different types of households with different numbers of people get different benefit amounts – but the advantage always goes to illegal alien households because of the way Obama restructured the rules.
Illegal aliens are not keen about walking into a federal office and signing a piece of paper to defraud the system – so Obama made it as easy as possible for them by setting up auto enrollment. It’s identical the vote fraud system set up in blue states through “motor voter” laws.
The Democrats pass motor voter laws, so that your voter registration is simultaneously submitted when you get your driver’s license. Then, they vote to allow driver’s licenses for illegal aliens – and express surprise when millions of illegal aliens vote in our elections.
Trump isn’t starving anyone. He’s changing the rules back to the way they used to be.
The fact that illegal aliens are not eager to walk into a federal building, sign a piece of paper and commit fraud in person is the whole point – but it’s a point that the media is deliberately missing.
Trump is putting needy American citizens first when it comes to food stamps, instead of allowing illegal alien invaders to continue defrauding the system.
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